Would You Rather: Be Able to Change the Past or Know the Future?


Time travel is a really fascinating subject. That’s why it is one of the most recurring themes in sci-fi movies and tv shows. It is just so cool to see people in these movies travel back and forth in time doing all sorts of crazy things.

It really makes you wish that we had such capabilities in the real world too. Well, scientists say that while travelling to the past may be impossible, travelling to the future could theoretically happen.

Don’t get too excited though. It might take centuries before we are anywhere near such capabilities. We’ll be long gone by then, having never known the awesomeness of time travel.

I have often wondered what I’d like the most, had I the choice. To go back into the past and change things, or be able to know the future. Let’s say, you had a choice, which would you do?

Changing The Past


Let’s face it. We all have regrets. We’ve all made mistakes that we wish, we could just somehow take back. If there was a redo option in life, I would have taken it a few times for sure.

If we had the ability to travel to the past and change some things here and there, we could essentially make our lives perfect. No mistakes ever done. Period. But therein lies the moral dilemma.

It is the mistakes in life that teach us great lessons that we carry with ourselves as reminders and it is those mistakes that help us grow as a person and to make better decisions in life. Take those away and what did your learn?

Just like death gives meaning to life, the failures give meaning to the successes. And there is no guarantee that undoing your mistakes won’t cause your to make even bigger ones. Changing even a single event in the past may have huge repercussions on your present.

That’s why everyone tells “The Flash” to not do it!

Knowing The Future


At first sight, this capability might seem totally useless because you wouldn’t be travelling to the future, you’d just know it, but think about it for a second. The future has the answers to all the questions you could ever ask.

We could see the progress of humanity in different centuries, played right in front of our eyes. It would be really exciting to see the social and economic structure of the future. More than that, it would be just beyond awesome to know about the future technologies and possibly inventing some of them on your own. haha!

You could also see your own future and what you’ll be doing in the future. If you don’t like what you see, you’d have the power to change your present. One thing is for sure, you would definitely get rich knowing the future stock prices of several companies and investing accordingly.

Also, you could prevent bad things from happening, like saving people’s lives for instance. The possibilities are endless and this ability to peek at the future is really god like. It can quickly turn you into evil if you have the slightest hint of a dark side within you.

What Would I Do?


I think I would go with the second one. I believe that the past is where it belongs. What is done, is done. Also, you can never know how it would change your present. Maybe, changing the past could even erase your existence.

Knowing the future is something that really excites me. Not because of the god-like ability that would make our life real easy and a walk in the park (something that anyone would choose in a heart beat in today’s world).

What excites me, as a tech enthusiast, is to see all the endless technological innovation that will happen and how that will impact our lives. I want to see technology enable every single person on Earth to live a better life. I want to see us humans colonise the galaxy and even more.

So, yeah. I would definitely want to know the future if I had the choice.

All images taken from the public domain.


What an interesting question with so much room for discussion.
I personally would like to know the future rather than change the past.
And that's mostly because I feel like our past put us in the place we belong and shaped us into the human being we've become.

And knowing the future could be very beneficial because you could make your life choice according to what you already know is going to happen!

You beat me to it. That's what I was going to write, so I'll upvote yours instead. :) Keep the past that's shaped us, but I'd love to know what's coming next!

That's exactly the way I would like it too :)

I've come to find out in life. No matter how bad it seems. It's all for a reason that only God has the answer to. So I wouldn't want to change the past even at the worst of it. And it's been bad. Things have happened to me recently that have opened my eyes in ways I can barely explain to people and all of it would never happen if things were different in the past. God needs me to be right where I am in life right here right now. For whatever purpose it will serve of him. And I'm perfectly fine with that. 😊

But yes I would love to know the future! 😜

Hehe, I respect your opinion. Also, it seems like most people will want to know the future ;)

A day of interesting questions.

To be honest, I would neither.

The past is the past for me, changing it would probably end up in new decisions going the 'wrong' way. For me, the past is to learn from, to accept it, whatever the results came out of the past.

Knowing the future; Well; If I would know the future, then that will take out the most interesting thing in my life; Nothing to look forward to anymore, not really at least. Knowing the future means, knowing what will come, and then I'm afraid I will start waiting for the things to happen while they happen.

When by knowing the future, I have the chance to change the things that are gonna happen, I come back to my earlier statement on being able to change the past. When trying to change things so the future will change, I'll likely get into endless loops of try to adjust those things today so I change the future in such a way I like it the most. That process likely causes so much stress and time, I basically do not live life anymore today. And that is what I like to do the most, live life moment by moment, as much as possible. The past is the past and the future, well we will get the experience of the future when we reach it, moment by moment.

Of topic, but also a very interesting question I posted today is:

If you would have a pill in front of you that gives you eternal life, and I mean really eternal life, nothing can destroy your human body and mind anymore, not deceases, not weapons, not anything. Would you consider to swallow such pill?

If you are interested, here is the post: https://steemit.com/eternallife/@edje/are-we-getting-close-to-the-possibility-for-eternal-biological-life-maybe-yes

I totally agree with your line of thought. Changing both the past and future means not being able to enjoy the present which is what really matters in life. That's deep thinking man. :)

Also, about your pill questions, I have commented my answer on your post :)

I don't think that I would swallow the idea that swallowing a pill would make me immortal. I'd be more apt to think that it was poison. But then, I don't really swallow the idea of time travel either, but it is interesting to think about.

LOL, hypothetical, fiction, reality...at some point in time this all will merge and blur; There is a change we all get hooked on virtual reality and will live multiple lives kind-a-like Matrix style and simply cocooning with our biological bodies, jumping between lives as we please. Time travel will be possible then. When we can download our brain, our consciousness, our I; Then eternal life will be possible; Some say this will take not more than 30 years.

That is totally what is going to happen. The future, from today's view point, is a really WEIRD one. Let's all ride this boat and see where it leads us.

Virtual Reality Avatar with Emotions as well as Robots with Emotions will happen; It'll be soo interesting to get those experiences first hand...

Definitely. Let's just hope they don't turn out to be like the robot in Ex Machina ;)

Lets not hope to much, let do something about it. Support for instance Elon Musk in his Open AI and other ventures :) And not downplaying the potential treat of AI when discussing this topic :)

Oh yeah definitely. OpenAI is a really crucial step in ensuring a benevolent AI.

I would not change the past because I AM from the future???


You are? Please tell me what happens in 2050. Does AI become sentient as most experts are predicting?

I would like to go to my past and relive my childhood over and over again! ahh the 80's!!

That would be nice, if I could somehow do it with my grown-up brain (and all the things I've learned). I'd hope, though, that I didn't just mess things up (again?). My life, as it is, is still worth living, but hey, it could always be better.

Ahhh, wouldn't that be wonderful. I would want to create a loop where I could relive my childhood over and over again. And when I get bored, I will simply break the loop ;)

I'd like to re-experience specific parts of my past again. :)

Yeah, would be lovely to relive the really awesome ones, wouldn't it?

Yes.... because often you don't recognize the importance of certain parts of you life, until years later, and then you go "Gee.. I didn't know that was the last day I was going to see that person"... or "I remember how special that kiss was...." or "that picnic".... whatever it was, as you get older, it becomes a brighter and better memory that seems worth experiencing once again "just for old time's sake"

Ah man, this brings back a lot of memories. You are absolutely right :)

There is a line of Quantum Mechanics which postulates the past, is in a state of constant flux and it is the future which has finite points. What we experience as the present is the sum of all possible histories as they lead towards some finite future.

Took me awhile to wrap my head around it and honestly I know it sounds like Quantum Woo, but there is serious math to back it up.

This idea, that possible histories, collide towards certain events, i.e. events which will be observed. Speaks to me on a lot of levels.

It tells me that the universe is computational in nature, that there is an end somewhere and that we are all part of the final observation.

To my mind, it also means that once we know what futures are possible and can visualize how to get there, we can guide the past into a position which produces the desired future.

Great article though! I've upvoted it.

Finally, someone who knows about this stuff too :D

I believe there are a lot of answers hidden in the quantum mechanics that we simply do not understand right now but hopefully in the future we will.

The universe is definitely computational in nature. Call it the most powerful supercomputer there is, if you will.

Our actions and decisions are constantly guiding us to some of the infinite possibilities of the future. That is why a small event today can lead to something huge in the future and if you miss that small event, that huge thing won't happen. Both possibilities exist. It depends on what road we take.

Neither:) Our past shapes who we are today...& our future shapes who we inspire to become...Hopefully thru our past mistakes, we learn not to repeat them in the future...So to have experienced the past, we can create a better future, and have greater knowledge...But the past and future are both necessary to our growth as human beings...So for me, the journey of life is better than the destination... "The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see."
Winston Churchill-

That's a really nice way of thinking and feeling about the whole thing. Cheers! :)

Thank you, and a great post for mental conversation @sauravrungta!:)

Thank you for taking the time to be here :)

I would change the past so that I know what is in my future!

That's deep on so many levels! :D

Ha ha ha! But that's the only way I would want it..

LOL.. That's the way to live I guess!

The smart ones will said both. The smarter ones will fear changing the past has serious repercussions. I've watch to many TV shows about parallel time. I'll choose know the future. Now, give me the lottery numbers for the next draw.

Haha, if only it was that easy. The person who can see the future will definitely be the richest person in the world. Bill Gates' fortunes will look small compared to his/her fortunes!

Yes, who needs Warren Buffett.

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