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RE: How Likely Is It To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse

"I have lived out in the middle of the woods with nothing but a knife for months on end multiple times, I know how to grow, forage and hunt food."

Woah man!! You are already ready for the apocalypse then! Those are some difficult skills to hone and you having that would definitely give you the edge.

And you actually own Katanas?? Dude, I am coming to you as soon as I sense the apocalypse :D haha


Yea I have a LOT of epic blades, not show blades but real ones ;-)>

I still believe even in this modern age that a good blade is one of the most useful tools/possessions in the world.

I live a good life and am prepared to continue a good life despite any circumstances!

If it ever comes to it, you know how to find me ;-)>

I respect anybody with good blades :)

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