Showcase April - Thoughts from a Lab waiting room

in #showcaseapril5 years ago
Have you ever gotten an abdominal Magnetic resonance imaging? Or as the normal people (like me) call it, an MRI.


You know, that medical pprocedure involving a big machine where they put you inside a tube and make you wait for one hour listening to weird loud noises and you're subject to a series of vibrations at different scales, all the while having to follow breathing and movement instructions.

I had only heard about that in the TV series Dr House and the scary part is that in the show, most of the times a patient got an MRI, something went wrong, so I have to admit that while I wasn't scared, I was a bit dubious about getting one.

Well, I got one today and I gotta tell you, I'm thrilled I'm not claustrophobic nor impatient because this test was one of the longest and most uncomfortable I've had to take. It's not painful and in no way its dangerous as far as I know. It's just that I arrived at 8 am to the Lab and I spent 7 hours there. Mexican times, y'know?

I took a blood sample to get my sugar, lipids and cholesterol levels, then I went into the MRI room and spent there one hour. After that, I had to wait for around 45 minutes until I had to go inside the MRI room again to get another kind of test, one with contrast or something like that. Up until then, 12 pm I couldn't eat anything due to Lab policy, so I went to have breakfast. Two hours later I was supposed to come back to get another sugar test - you're supposed to get two, one before eating and the other one two hours after eating.

So right now I'm waiting for the two hours to go by and in the meantime, I'm writing this post.

I mean, better than to spend - or waste? - my time on the blue lame social media, right?

Thoughts from a Lab waiting room... At this point I might as well focus all my energy in getting a thoughts from a... checklist and see how many I can cross in 2019. That sounds like a cool idea. But it would have to be something I'm not actively looking for. Example I'm not going to take a plane just in spite to write a list named thoughts from a plane but if somehow I end up taking a flight this year, I will definitely get a post done.

There's a huge difference, get it?

So hey, why don't you give me some suggestions for my Thoughts from a... Checklist.

Oh, to continue my story, after getting the blood test and the MRI the nurse gave me a mission: She said Go have a breakfast like you always do, do not change your eating habits, have a normal breakfast.

Well it was going to be hard because it was already like 12:30 pm and I usually have breakfast before 9 am but still I had to try. But you know me, I´m a fat McBastard so in reality it wasn´t that hard, I was just playing my part.


Oh yeah, that´s a Mexican breakfast as if should be. Any Mexican who has any self respect has AT LEAST that amount of food. Diabetes and Hipertension for the win.

After finishing my Mexibreakfast/lunch I realized I had to kill 2 hours so I could go to the Lab again and get the same sugar levels test but with something in my stomach. Well, movie times it is.

When I was younger I used to have a Movie Theater card that allowed me to attend any movie I wanted any day of the year as many times as I wanted for about 200 usd a month. I was a movie addict and between 2012 and 2015 I pretty much watched every movie that showcased in Mexico; I used to go alone or with my brother @zlatan-spielberg so this time, going by myself to kill two hours sounded like fun.

But there wasn´t any movie theater nearby so I decided to walk there. Before I noticed, I was more than 30 minutes into the walk and I was enjoying it so much that I chose to keep doing it. After all I´m having a #healthier2019 and part of my @actifit new year resolution was to do more excercise daily. I walked and walked for two hours...


I covered around 7 kilometers in two hours. It´s not much but it´s honest work - did you get it? It´s a new meme. Got it? Yes? No? Oh well, I didn´t expect you to get it, it´s fairly new and I don´t get out much :(.

I even stumbled upon a Walmart and I went straight to the Toy Section to see whats new in store and if I could get a post-Christmas bargain. I didn´t, but at least I kept walking and I killed a few minutes.


I returned to the Lab and they drew blood from my left arm AGAIN. I don´t mind getting needled if I need to, but twice in one arm? Sikes Batman, that´s too much for one vein!

Anyway, this post became kind of a story instead of a Thoughts from a... kind of post but hey, you gotta understand me: I started writing it when I was in the laboratory´s waiting room, then I kept going while I was in the restaurant having breakfast and I´m finishing it at 8 pm in bed.

Oh yeah, I´m already in bed. Do you want to know why?

Well, after finishing the second round of blood tests, it was already 3 pm. My day was lost - I know it wasn´t lost but I hate wasting more than half a day in responsibilites - so I decided I wouldn´t do anything else today. I would just walk. And walk I did.

WhatsApp Image 2019-01-11 at 19.53.57.jpeg

Yeah, your eyes are not deceiving you, I walked 24,000 steps today. If google maps is not lying - God I need to get me a pace counter app - I walked a little less than 20 km today. Pretty kick ass right? Especially for someone who last year used to walk less than half a km a day.

By the way, if you want to follow my fitness activity - and get bored to death in the processs - check out my fit account called @afitsoul.

Anyway, I hope to get some feedback about that Checklist I mentioned above. I hope you liked how I narrated my day for you, even if it wasn´t the initial intention of this post :P

This post was originally posted in January 2019 and it's part of my initiative called showcase April, where I'll post the best content I've done over the past three years.

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