Showcase April - The art of Shitposting?

in #showcaseapril4 years ago

No, I don't mean you, regular Shitposter, you are off this category, yours is not art.

Recently I've seen some of the best content creators here on Steemit - some of them with whom I've chatted a lot about this subject - shitpost.

I did it quite recently, perhaps you saw my post called drunk Eric.

But you see, this is why it is called art, because shitposting is something - in my perhaps full of myself and egocentric opinion - reserved only for those who continually create the best content they can. Those who day after day spend hours preparing a post and strive to always have top quality content on their blog.

Those who, when they post something below the quality they have their audience used to, receive a handful of direct messages from their friends. Messages like "wow, nice shitpost man, you really overdid yourself this time!.

That happens only because this behaviour on these people - myself included - is something that sets off those who follow us and perhaps have us as role models.

Are we losing faith in the system? Do we feel like we are falling behind compared to others on the Steemit race? Did we realize it doesn't matter what we post, we might get rewards on the post?

After all, a lot of people vote for the person and not the Steemian and, as we have other people used to our top tier content, they might not even check out our posts, because they are certain we create good content.

Well, some people might think one of these reasons are behind that lone shitpost surrounded by all those great posts we try to create but, to be completely honest I think it's something quite different.

I've only done 1 or 2 shitposts (according to myself, altought I may be wrong according to you, sweet reader) in my whole Steemit life and I don't plan to do another in a long time.

The reason I made that shitpost I believe it's the same of those top content creators that have done it in the past: Sometimes you just want to share something small, something simple, an idea or picture that could be considered as low tier content, but you don't do it because you have a quality status to mantain. I know I've done it, I could post 5 times a day everyday but I don't do it, because I want to keep my average post at least great tier.

The thing is, during these past days I have learned that if you create awesome content day after day, you are entitled to shitpost once in a while - this while being one every month or two, at the minimum. This doesn't mean I'm encouraging you to do it, but let's stop being hard on ourselves, if you feel like sharing something small, a developed idea that you think is low tier, a set of photographies without any text, do it. Give yourself a break, it's not like you are going to shitpost every day - I certainly hope that - but also, that one shitpost is not going to destroy everything you've created over the past months or year.

That's the reason I've voted some of those shitposts I saw the past weeks, because the authors deserve a break after making top posts after top posts.

What do you think? Am I delusional? Do you concur with this idea? Is this something you can get behind?

Oh yeah, I'm talking to you, top content creators, I would like to hear your take on this, I'm not talking to the regular shitposters, those can go shove their bad quality content up their blogs.

This post was originally posted in April 2018 and it's part of my initiative called showcase April, where I'll post the best content I've done over the past three years


The posts I work the hardest on (usually writing poems take me the longest) make the least but do me proud. then I toss off something and it makes what is for me the big bucks (over 5stu)! So the rewards are in inverse proportion to the work I put in. Maybe I'll try shitposting to see if that makes even more.

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