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RE: Showcase Sunday: Mini camping

A really cool little article mate. I love how organised you are and even your minimalist set up allows for a proper ‘home away from home’. Do you have any tips or preferences on EDC gear or essentials for a rucksack? Also I’ve resteemed this too mate.

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Hey there, thanks for the visit, comment and resteem - Greatly appreciated.

So, EDC...I guess it is person and location specific. Unfortunately I work an executive job and wear a suit so carrying much other than my phone and wallet isn't suitable but when I'm out and about, shooting at the range or in the field...I have stuff. My vehicles are always prepared too.

I always have a knife on me of course, and on my key ring I have a small SOG key-knife...For those emergency times you know? It's sharp AF! (Pictured)


I have EDC/go bags in my vehicles of course, with the usual suspects in there. I try to keep it simple and uncomplicated. Bottle of water, knife, LED lenser headlight and small torch, multi-tool, cable-saw, fish hooks and line, a few little bottles of whisky, water-purification, collapsible water bottles, first aid, medication pills (am diabetic), beanie, a few MRE's, paracord, carabiners, small tarp, gloves etc...It's not really a bug out bag I guess, just a be-fucking-ready bag. :) One never knows when someone may need help on the roadside and those things will come in handy.

Here in Australia we can't carry but my guns are always GTG at home (stored within legal constraints) and I have a more comprehensive go bag and a Pelican case with essential stuff (docs, silver etc) ready to go.

How about you?

No worries mate. Yes you’re 100% right it is definitely location and person specific. I work in a bar, so no suit but still a shirt and chinos is expected. Normally all I have in my pocket bar the usual phone and keys is a Parker pen and a small Swiss Army knife. I’ve seen your key knife before online, it’s one of the few that are acceptable here in the UK as our knife laws are pretty draconian.

Our bug out bags and the like pretty much seem to mirror each other sir, I assume with a few differences due to climate. I favour rum in my hip flask over whisky but that’s probably not going to be a major issue come a SHTF situation. On a daily basis I always carry a rucksack back and forth from work and in it I have a complete change of clothes, Marmot jacket, gloves, beanie, a battery pack (for my dying IPhone 5s which lasts 10 minutes now), needle and thread, a small wash pack, some Kendle mint cake, torch, and a couple of books.

Also I think I’m going to steal your phrase of a ‘be-fucking-ready bag’ it describes my rucksack quite concisely.

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Haha, feel free to steal the phrase...Given gladly.

Yeah, seems we have the same sort of stuff. I have a boot knife on me mostly, although again, not at work...We have laws her too and as far as I know my boot knife is ok...If not...I'll deal with it when the need arises. they key knif comes in handy sometimes...You know, I flew around recently (domestically) and it got through in my carry-on bag each time...Maybe because it scans as a key I guess. Handy huh?

A boot knife is pretty much a no starter here, anything with a fixed blade or locking over 3 inches is illegal to be carried. If you’re in the woods, fishing or say a chef carrying their knives to work you may be ok and I put emphasis on the word ‘may’ as police can interpret the law how they see fit.

On the topic of you managing to fly with your SOG that is pretty cool and fits into a market of covert EDC gear which is popular over here. Things such as tactical pens and carabiners which double as knuckle dusters or other more subtle ‘force multipliers’ are extremely popular. Also body armour and slash proof Kevlar hoodies are all quiet popular and can offer subtle by real protection when needed.

Wow, talk about draconian laws! I heard you have some fairly lame gun laws too.

Yeah, I think if a person is resourceful enough almost anything can be used as a force-muliplyer. The trick is knowing how to do so I guess, and in finding the ability for quick thinking and decision making at the time.

I'm travelling to EU in July and won't try to take the key knife...Just in case I run into customs and security issues...I'll have to resort to picking up throwing chairs! 🙈🤣

Yes our firearms laws are pretty restricted but as a nation we’ve been pretty well subdued to not care, with all those of a rebellious nature starting to leave the UK from 1776 and 1788 onwards depending on their choosing America or Australia.

Being resourceful works every time but now days as I get older I just avoid putting myself in a possible if at work I let the doorstaff/bouncers deal with it or walking home in the early hours I just run. Chairs can be unwieldily but a good shield, If counter aggression may I advise a bottle with good reach such as grey goose sir.

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It's a messed up world we live in and getting worse...Your "run home at night" comment...My wife and I used to go into the city, for a meal, a movie etc...These days we avoid it as we're likely to get stabbed...Harassed almost certainly. I'm no slouch as far as looking after myself...But me against multiple others? No thanks, not with my wife standing there also.

I'm not trying to say if one is out after dark in Adelaide they get stabbed...Just that it's rarely worth putting oneself in that position. It used to be that a look would deter a person, some calming non-confrontational words...These days with people on ICE and stuff...Anything can happen.

I have mates that are cops and they say the same thing...Stay away from hotspots. I'm glad I'm not a cop too...They can't even mace someone without a pile of paperwork...I'd be too liberal with the night-stick if I was a cop...And the sidearm. :)

I think a lot can be avoided by applying some situational awareness, which most don't have, but my ethos is to go from zero to a million in one second in the advent of a situation...Better to beg forgiveness than to wind up a victim of inaction. Just me though.

I think we’re of a like mind on this topic mate and you’ve hit the nail on the head with situational awareness and a big part of avoiding trouble and surviving anywhere even not in a conflict is always being aware. ( I also look back on my teens and early 20’s now and wonder how I survived with how dumb my choices were).

I agree with you though that it is always better to ask forgiveness later than loose that ability through inaction it is just bloody tricky to know where the line is these days. Touch wood, neither you nor I ever have to make that decision.

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