Showcase-Sunday: Mourn of the sword chapters 3 and 4

 this week my entry in  #Showcase-Sunday  is chapters 3 and 4 of my book.

Original post: 

Chapters 1 and 2: 

  image created by me @fieryfootprints  
Copyright (c) 2019 Simonas Tuinyla. All rights reserved  

                                                                     Chapter 3  Saraleto  

  I am sure that many people would call that place charming or marvelous. In my eyes it seemed like a boring place filled with pathetic mediocrities. At least at first. But beneath of this repelling mess was quite entertaining city. Perhaps I should be less sceptical and not judge things so soon. It is easy to overlook tiny surprises that might turn out to be life changing events. But at the same time I do not have many regrets nor do I believe that I have missed something important. My life turned out to be quite interesting. I guess I was able to catch enough opportunities.

   After five days two travelers reached the walls of the city called Saraleto. High walls made from grey stones were already quite uninviting. Several heads that were resting on the poles nearby or scavengers flying above them did not make very pleasant view either. But the least pleasant were thugs waiting at the gates. City guards seemed to be quite bored and were looking for trouble. Many merchants, citizens and beggars were trying to get in to the city. Guards let some of them in without even saying a word. Some were not so lucky: 

 -Hey you slugface! Do you have anything taxable? Give it here! Your money bag seems heavy but don't worry we are happy to help! 

 In front of Cercor and Griferl was a fat dwarf. After barely seeing him the gatekeepers were already spitting at his direction and making nasty remarks: 

 -Where are you going you shity nonhuman scum? You don't look like a merchant and this beautiful city is no place for your ugly kind. Crawl back to the black hole that you came from! If you expect to get inside as cheaply as a decent human you are greatly mistaken. You will pay five times the usual price. 

 To increase impact of his words senior guard slapped the dwarf. Other vandals started kicking their victim while screaming: 

 -Nasty abomination! Underground devil… Damn hell spawn! 

 After about ten minutes thugs got tired and left the dwarf in a pool of blood. Now their attention was shifted to Cercor and Grifel: 

 -Another nonhuman!-screamed the leader. His fist were already itching to hit a new target. 

 -I am not gonna pay any idiotic taxes.- Griferl announced in a calm melodic voice. He showed a empty paper to guards. – Me and my companion are forgiven from paying any taxes in this fine city.  

  - Yes sir. Thank you sir.- Guards stepped back with respect and friendly smiles and let both travelers into the city.  

 -Nice work.-commented Cercor.- But considering that you claim to not be a mage you sure enjoy showing these tricks. 

 -Thank you.-Grifel noded.- I can’t deny that I like creating a bit of spectacle. To entertain myself. But in this case I had another reason. Had I not acted the way I did, you would have beaten those guards to a pulp. I think that showing my tricks and pretending to be a mage is less likely to get me in trouble than allowing you to start a massacre before even entering the city. 

 -It is hardly fair that only you got some entertainment.- Cercor pretended to be angry.- Anyway I wonder where is the inn. 

 -Quite close.- responded a husky voice. 

 Both travelers were surprised when they recognized the speaker. It was the same dwarf who was attacked by guards. But now he seemed to be perfectly healthy.  

  -My name is Tolg. If you want I will show you the way to a "Drunk Troll" is one of the few places in this shithole where nonhumans are also accepted.  

  -As I thought your injuries were fake. – Cercor smiled.- Still your disguise is very impressive.   

 -You have sharp eyes.- Tolg answered in lowered voice.- far better than those imbeciles at the gates.  

  Soon the trio reached a two floors house that had doors decorated with a monstrous face biting a barrel of mead.  

 -Greetings travelers!-said the innkeeper while rushing to them. – My house is your house how can I help you? 

  -Rooms for the night. Some beer, bread, ham, cheese and fish.- said Cercor.  

 -As you wish master.- innkeeper bowed. 

   After receiving food and drinks trio started a new conversation:  

 -So why are you here?- asked Tolg.  

  -I came here to win the tournament. – Cercor responded.  Warrior's words were not intended as a boast - he simply stated a fact.  

  - I thought that you will say something like this.-grined dwarf.- But why is half-elf traveling with you? I don’t see him as a great fighter but even if he would be one he still would not allowed to enter the tournament. That right is reserved for humans only.   

 -Perhaps that is for the best. I have no intention in joining battles. I have far too little blood to spill it in some dirty dusty arenas. – answered Griferl.- I much prefer seeing how others risk their lives than wasting my own. But the same question also applies to you. 

 - I am also here because of the tournament.- dwarf said after emptying another mug.- I can't participate but that doesn't mean that I can't earn money here. 

 While saying these words he demonstrated insane movement speed by putting hand inside his pocket and pulling it out. Quick proud smile afterwards was enough to make his real profession quite clear but after that he continued to tell a different tale: 

  -We nonhumans can still be useful. Some jobs are too dirty for the true citizens. We can be servants of the servants. At times even normal servants if we get lucky. Such jobs are easier to find during holidays and big events. All we need is written agreement with a master.  

 - I guess this real reason why you approached us.- said Cercor. 

  -Very clever of you. Almost too clever for a human,- dwarf made a slight grin.- Yes you are right. I want you to hire me as your servant so I could freely walk in the city. If you would do this favor for me I would give you good coin Great deal considering that it has no risk.  

  - No risk? Hardly.- mercenary was quick to argue.- If you would get caught during your…work…that would mean that your master will also be send to prison.   

 -There is no chance of that happening. You have confidence in your sword. I am also an artist at what I do and I have confidence in my hands. By the time someone starts missing their money it is already spend. Besides you look like man who is looking for danger and not hiding from it. So do we have a deal? 

  Without even waiting for an answer Tolg reached to his money bag and put few coins on the table. Cercor didn’t say a word. He leaned forward… But instead of taking money warrior grabbed dwarf’s wrist with his iron grip. Tolg moaned from pain and attempted to escape but that was pointless. In the same time mercenary took one of the coins from the table Then started laughing and… released his victim:  

 -I must admit that you are a brave dwarf! It’s been a while since the last time someone tried to pull something like this on me. Not only did you attempted to pay me with the money that you stole from me but you also intended to keep five coins for yourself. 

 -How…did you figure… it out?- dwarf could not believe his ears and looked at his nearly broken arm. 

  -Quite easily. Like I said this was not a first time someone tried to steal from me. Other thiefs were less cocky. After a while I started marking my coins. To avoid those nuisances.   

  -Marked money? I see no marks.  

  -If you would look more closely you would notice a tiny scratch under the left eye of this king.  

 -Damn it! I have been doing this for decades and I have never met target as sharp as you before. –Tolg seemed both frightened and impressed at the same time.- It is good that not all humans are as clever as you. Well I guess even my luck had to end sooner or later. 

  -It might still last a while longer.- responded the mercenary.- I accept your offer. You can be my servant until the end of the tournament.  

  -But why?!- Tolg could not believe these words.  

  - I like your courage.- said warrior.- And like you said I don't mind getting into trouble. If you will get caught during one of your operations guards will come looking for me. That means that I will get a little practice and maybe even some entertainment.  

 Such mindset was far beyond dwarf’s understanding. Before he already though that a man in front of him would not blink a eye in any danger But Tolg didn't even imagine that mercenary would go to such extremes just to seek his thrills. And even despite such idiotic way of life Cercor was still here. Alive and beating anyone who would get in his way. This was most bizarre. 

 However Grifel didn't seem to be surprised by his friend's insanity. Half-elf simply calmy stared at the stars beyond the window. His mind was somewhere far far away.  

                                                  Chapter 4. The Tourney

 I traveled very far away. Because I had a bit of hope that I will find something worth my time. The best warriors were supposed to be in this damn shithole. What a joke. 

  For two weeks entire city was filled with a waiting atmosphere. Three travelers spend their time differently. Tolg was working in the streets and helped many people who were carrying too heavy purses. Just like dwarf Grifel also received a letter claiming that he is a servant of the mercenary. But half-elf didn't care to explore the city and preferred being in the inn. And what about Cercor? Mercenary went missing every morning and always returned only in the evening. 

 One time curiosity got better of Tolg and he followed the warrior. Cercor went to a nearby forge, paid smith a few coins and then started practicing against sets of heavy armor. He was using a wooden sword. But each of his relentless strikes still did a lot of damage. And more importantly the warrior didn't seem to get tired. Even after ten hours of non stop attacking warrior's breath was calm, his power and speed were only increasing with time. After witnessing this spectacle Tolg could not believe in his eyes. For the first time in his life the thief felt sorry for humans. He no longer cared about who else will participate in the tournament. The outcome will be the same. Cercor looked like a normal human. But he was far beyond human. Personification of iron will. A monster in human form. 

 After that time Tolg never followed Cercor again. One time was enough. Dwarf could not believe that someone would be able to master their art so much better than he had mastered theft. This realization was painful, scary but also inspiring. Tolg was afraid but he also felt admiration and respect to the unbelievable fighter. Dwarf was thankful because now he found a new drive to push himself and to reach new unseen horizons. 

 Long awaited day finally came. City was full of people. Rich, nobles, soldiers, ordinary citizens- everyone were eager to see the bloody spectacle. They could already feel the smell of blood and death in the air. It lured all kinds of scavengers. Those who flew in the sky and those who walked on two feet. 

 City’s streets were full of people who were rushing forward like a wild animals. Some were very unlucky- they fell and were trampled under the feet. But the masses didn't care about that. All the tickets were sold in less than a hour and those who couldn't get to the arena stayed nearby hoping to at least hear some cries of agony. 

 At long last heralds said the words everyone was waiting for: 

 -The first fight of the tournament will now begin! Kerl versus Sunos! 

  One of the fighters was barely bigger than a child and the other was nearly a giant wielding huge axe. But enormous weapon never reached his agile target. After a few minutes madman with axe was already tired and could barely catch his breath. Now his opponent went on attack. e avoided another swing of the axe at the same time getting closer. Then pretended to strike at giants heart with a sword. Barbarian took the bait tried to block the swing that never came. Instead he only felt a cold blade of a short dagger inside of his throat.  

 -Kerl is the winner of the first fight! Second fight… 

 After a few more hours thirty more fighters left the world of the living. A few more lost their limbs, eyes and got their bones shattered. Finally heralds announced: 

 -Cercor versus Minil! 

 Cercor stepped forward. He seemed to be not only calm but nearly bored. Minil was a short man with very long hands. His movements were clumsy and awkward. Few times he nearly fell to the ground. Humped and limp with one leg. This creature seemed disgusting and pitiful. Nearly all of spectators and even most of the fighters could only laugh after seeing this grotesque man. But Cercor was not laughing with them. For the mercenary one glimpse was enough to tell the truth- Minil was an extraordinary talented fighter who often used other’s opinion about him as his favorite weapon. In fact people who once knew Minil could have told that he is perfectly healthy. But then again...for this reason those who knew him were dead long time ago. 

 Cercor did not attack blindly. He moved forward and backwards. For a brief moment he was behind Minil. Mercenary used this opportunity to throw knife towards his opponent’s neck. 

 Minil smiled slightly and removed his mask of sluggishness. He quickly moved his head and the blade barely missed. Then Minil lifted his head and turned back. His face no longer expressed former indifference. Small sharp eyes observed every move of Cercor. His lips now made a strange grimace: 

 -Interesting. It is clear that my usual performance will not work on you. So why don't we start the real thing? 

  -I am fine with that.-remarked Cercor. At the same time he started dashing closer.   

 Minil made a single step forward and then froze like a statue. Cercor began his attack but was forced to step back. Minil started swinging two short swords and created a blade barrier that was constantly blitzing around. His defence had no openings. It seemed like anyone foolish enough to approach the killer will be sliced to the tiny bits. After seeing the speed of his blades many fighters in the past got scared. All of them lost their confidence. And their lives. 

 Ironically this performance was slightly based on an illusion. Minil was indeed a great swordsman. But he was not as great as he seemed.  Usually his enemies were simply expect less from him. His skills were surprising. And that surprise made Minil’s victims believe that he was far better than his real level. Usually that was a deadly mistake. 

 This time was different. Cercor was never ruled by his fears or doubts. Every time when mercenary had faced with a problem or an obstacle he charged forward. Obliterating anything that stood in his way. The same happened in this fight. After witnessing a skilled opponent Cercor felt the thrill of the fight and attacked with a ferocity of the wild beast. His blade smashed at the iron ball created by Minil. Only to be stopped. Again and again. Most of Cercor’s attacks were interrupted at the very beginning. This lasted for about ten minutes. Most of the spectators thought that both fighters were evenly matched. But such assumption was wrong. Outcome of the fight was already decided. 

 After yet another clash one of Minil’s swords was broken. Killer knew that this will happen sooner or later. Unlike the spectators Minil understood that he was outclassed. Cercor was holding back a lot of power and speed. Instead he used precision- each of his strikes landed at the same spot of Minil’s blades. Both fighters knew that one the killer’s swords will break soon. And both waited for this moment. Minil still had a few trump cards and believed they are most likely to succeed at this time when Cercor had the greatest advantage He threw a broken sword at his opponent and jumped back creating some space between them. His free hand slided into a pocket and back. And then he threw a handful of sand into Cercor’s eyes and at the same time attacked a blinded warrior. 

 This attempt could have worked against most enemies. But not against Cercor. Even after being blinded mercenary caught the hand of Minil and crushed it instantly. At the same time Cercor started attacking. Minil tried to get away but he already knew that this time his fate is sealed. Cold blade was coming closer and closer. After witnessing the upcoming death Minil still found a bit of time to remember his miserable life. As a child he lived in the streets and often fought with stray dogs for a slice of bread. Then he found his calling. Became a killer. After that never ending rivers of blood and fold flowed through Minil's hands. Women, dice and wine. Once again empty pockets. More blood. Much much more. Enough blood to flood the rest of his life. 

 Did any of that had any purpose? Any meaning? No. Minil wanted to live. So everyone else had to die. But now death came for him anyway. Well maybe that is fair? Dying by a sword after living by a sword seemed like a appropriate ending. And yet Minil still wanted to live. Till the very last moment when Cercor’s blade cut of his head. Even after that Minil still remained alive long enough to hear joyful screams of the crowd and heralds declaring: 

  -The winner is Cercor! This is the end of the first day of the tournament…  

 Copyright (c) 2019 Simonas Tuinyla. All rights reserved 

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