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RE: Showcase Sunday: Mini camping

in #showcase-sunday5 years ago

Enjoyed this post about camping. I enjoy my jaunts into the woods as well for many of the same reasons you've listed :>)

Minimalistic camping is more my style as well, especially since I start my journeys off on foot, or from a biking trail, and just follow my heart (or nose) with a rather small backpack.

Yet...I have little experience (or desire) to do the camping thing during Winter months. I might try it one day, though :>)

Hoping you and your wife have a New Year full of peace and tranquility @galenkp


Hey there, thanks for stopping by. I think winter camping can be terrible at times but I guess it depends where. Here in Australia, certainly in South Australia, winter camping is glorious. Cold nights but can be 20 and blue skies during the day. The photos shown in this blog were taken in June (winter here) and you can see how good it looks. Of course I've had bloody miserable winter camps too. 🤣

Sounds like you do a bit here and there which is cool. Camping out of a single backpack will certainly make one question every item huh?

Thanks for commenting. Have a great day.

Camping out of a single backpack will certainly make one question every item huh?

That's for certain :>) but I'm rarely out there for very long. Only danger is getting 'stuck' unprepared for longer than anticipated stretches, which hasn't happened to me (fortunately)

Good point. Mimal-camping/packing is one thing...Not having essential items is quite another. I got lost once. Wasn't pleasant. Luckily I was prepared and had some skills. Made my way back and learned some lessons. 😊

Glad you found your way back @galenkp ; Steemit would never have been the same without you :>)

Haha...Well, possibly but, not the same doesn't necessarily mean It's a good thing...Could be different-better without me? Surely not though! 😂

Surely not...brudda… :>)

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