Shout Out Saturday!!

in #shoutoutsaturdays6 years ago

Taking responsibility.png

Hi Steemit :)

Welcome to this weeks #shoutoutsaturdays. I interacted with lots of cool steemians this month. Here are some of them.

@steemmamas!!! I was thinking about it all week. Which one of those Mama's from the new discord group am I going to give a shout out too? Then, Steemmamas became even more awesome and got its own handle. There is lots of stuff over there, in mom land. The Momma's blog about their day's and their goals, there are free print outs and crafts. Go check us out!

@vidafitnessfeliz is one of the first people that I encountered on Steemit. He does positive mindset work along with encouragement on getting to move your body. This week, I joined him on discord and received a few personalized tips from him. If you need help and encouragement getting moving, check him out. His positivity and strive to keep moving forward is contagious.

@fullcoverbetting say's he's a sports fanatic, but he gives crypto updates too. He is also a community builder who wants to see more genuine interactions on Steemit. This tag was so popular last week, that I had to bring him into it.

Thank you for taking the time to read about who humanized my steemit experience this week. Did you connect with anyone on steemit this week? Go ahead and name drop them in the comments, i'll make sure to pay them a visit.


I connectet with @cryptosupport , its my first day here.

Good luck for the future @metzli

Thank you :) if you want give me a feedback on my first post

I did! I visited, commented and upvoted.

Thank you for your support Riccardo.

Hey there :)

Feel free to respond to this message when you write your first post.

Ill make sure to pay it a visit.

gracias por la mencion @metzli me alegra que mi habitos le contagie de energia positiva e igual yo aprendo de sus experiencias que nos cuenta en steemit..... siga asi rumbo a la excelencia.


I'm having so much fun interacting with all the cool mamas there. @steemmamas rocks! 😉.

I like it too! Thanks for visiting. I’ll be paying you a visit shortly.

Thank you for the shout outs, Steemians are awesome, great photo, and my momma home taught me too and that helped me so much. Happy Easter.

Thanks for stopping by :)

I love this tag, and thank you for turning me on to it!

You’re very welcome. I’m enjoying it too.

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