in #shortstories6 years ago

Quite a long time ago in Africa, chickens ruled felines. The felines buckled down throughout the day and around evening time they needed to bring all they had accumulated for the chickens. The ruler of the chickens would take all the sustenance for himself and for alternate chickens.

The chickens wanted to eat ants. Consequently, every feline had a satchel hung round its neck, which it loaded with ants for the lord of the chickens. The felines disliked the circumstance. They needed to free themselves of the ruler so the sustenance they assembled through diligent work and incredible trouble would be their own. In any case, they feared the chickens.

The chickens had told the felines that chicken's brushes were made out of flame and that the fire of their brushes would consume any individual who defied them! The felines trusted them and along these lines worked from early morning until night for the chickens.

One night, the fire on the place of Mrs. Feline went out. She disclosed to her little cat, Fluffy, to bring some fire from Mr. Chicken's home. At the point when Fluffy went into the place of the chicken, she saw that Mr. Chicken was sleeping soundly, his stomach swollen with the ants he had eaten. The little cat was hesitant to wake the chicken, so she returned home with next to nothing and disclosed to her mom what had happened.

Mrs. Feline stated, "Now that the chicken is snoozing, assemble some dry twigs and place them close to his brush. When the twigs find fire, bring them home."

Fleecy accumulated some dry twigs and took them to the chicken's home. He was still sleeping. Cushioned frightfully put the dry twigs close to the chicken's brush yet it was no utilization, the twigs did not burst into flames. Cushioned rubbed the twigs against the chicken's brush again yet it was no utilization they would not burst into flames. Cushioned returned home with no fire and disclosed to her mom, "The perch's brush does not set twigs ablaze." Mrs. Feline replied "For what reason wouldn't you be able to do anything right! Accompany me I'll demonstrate to you generally accepted methods to make fire with the chicken's brush." So together they went to the place of Mr. Chicken.

He was still snoozing. Mrs. Feline put the twigs as close to the chicken's brush as she could. However, the twigs did not burst into flames. At that point, shaking with fear, she put her paw close to the chicken's brush and tenderly contacted it. Incredibly, the brush was not hot, it was exceptionally cool, and it was simply red hued.

When Mrs. Feline understood that the chickens had deceived the felines about their brushes, she happily went out and informed alternate felines concerning the chicken's traps. From that day on, the felines never again worked for the chickens.

At to begin with, the lord of the chickens turned out to be extremely irate and said to the felines; "I will consume the greater part of your homes on the off chance that you don't work for me!"

In any case, the felines stated, "Your brush isn't made of flame. It is only the shade of flame. We contacted it when you were rest. You deceived us."

At the point when the lord of the chickens discovered that the felines realized that he had deceived them, he fled. Presently, at whatever point chickens see a feline, they dash away, on the grounds that right up 'til today they fear felines.

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