
You had lived on this boring planet for years. Decades, centuries, millennia’s even. How easy it was, for the years to pass by, like nothing really mattered.
You had seen death and destruction. Peace and serenity. War, love, hardship. You’d seen the world advance from its very beginning, to where it was now. The technical age. The age of new things.
The age of fear.
At least, that’s what you called it. Though, the name was a bit biased, as humanity seemed to have taken a hard opinion on you. You couldn’t really blame them, the way they had been shaped by religion, and fear-based propaganda made it so they didn’t think any other way. It never saddened you, or made you angry.
On the contrary, it amused you, the way humanity thought you were the devil.
What amused you further was their descriptions of you. Red skinned, goat like horns, the hind legs of some sort of animal, a spiked tail. The rumors they had spread about you were equally ridiculous. Ones where you ate children, or tortured the innocent.
They made you seem evil, a horrible thing.
When, in reality, it wasn’t that bad. Hell itself, wasn’t that bad.
Though it depended on who you are really. If you’re a murderer, rapist, abusing anybody, then you’re most likely going to get tortured for the rest of your eternally painful afterlife. But if you were there for a pitiful reason, like smoking, drinking, swearing, maybe you were rude to the priest at your church once, then you weren’t going to get the torture that everyone seemed to say you will.
In fact, it wasn’t hell humanity had to worry about.
It was, in fact Heaven that people should worry about. Though just about everyone got into Heaven, those who didn’t were the one who were truly bad, or just unlucky.
You were the only person to ever have escaped Heaven.
And that Heaven, is really messed up.
Heaven wasn’t what anyone thought it was. Everyone was convinced that Heaven was a sea of soft clouds, giant halls lined with columns made of marble. Where people from the past, great people of history. Angels would fly would, with soft feather wings, singing choirs with each other. Jesus would welcome you at the gates of Heaven, God would welcome you in with open arms.
But it wasn’t any of that. Hell, in comparison to Heaven, was a waterpark, filled with laughs and fun to be had.
But most people didn’t care. Everyone was so caught up in their own programming, their own lives to realize, that what comes after, is terrifying.

You’d spent your entire life, trying to teach people things. You’d spent a large part of your life on Earth as a teacher. You’re bounced between college professor, high-school teacher and preschool teacher. You’d bene there to help shape good people, to give the bad people a chance to be good. You’d always tried your best to give people a chance to be good, despite knowing what would happen to them. Some would say that it was cruel, leading people on, telling them that there was some good left in the world, that there was a good resting place after life. Even when there wasn’t.
But if people spent their entire lives knowing that there was no happy ending to their poor, sad lives, Heaven and hell wouldn’t exist anymore. Sad as it was, suicide rates would skyrocket.
Which is why you did what you did. Spend most of your time on Earth, looking like any other human being, trying to protect people from the harsh truth.

But programming and fear always trump over everything. One would think that after hundreds of year of listening to people go on and on about how great Heaven was and how horrible Hell was, how “Evil” You were supposed to be, that you’d be over it.
And most of the time, you were. Despite this, there were times, times where you’d hear all about how evil you were, having been cast out of Heaven by God and eternally damned, when you wanted to tell people the truth.

You were the only escapee of Heaven. The only person to ever have escaped from the bitter realm that lay above Earth. You’d escaped, broken and bleeding, your back cut open and lashed, burning from the whip that had been used to often. Your hair had been matted and you had limped to civilization. Which, at the time, was just a few hodge-podge villages here and there.
At the time, with your hair matted, your skin stained red with blood, you did look a little like what people consider the devil. Although you had no idea where the tail and horns came from. When you’d showed up, the people had screamed and children had cried. They began to say you were the devil, even though they didn’t really know what a devil was.
Rumors. That’s what your life had been filled with, ever since your fall from Heaven. About how evil you were, how horrible. How you tortured the innocent and drank the tears of the weak.
But it wasn’t you, who was Evil.


I think it's fabulous to see someone your age with the ability to consider this topic from the perspective you have chosen to write from, in this story! It takes the kind of courage you must get from your mother to publish these contemplations in a public bolg post! LOL. Amazing! I love it! Thank you for sharing this! Keep breaking down the programming with the power of thought my dear! ReSteemed!

Brilliant love it!! I love the darkness you bring to this 'tale' I actually felt goosebumps as I read. I think you have a very bright future ahead of you on this platform my friend. Don't stop...please. Be happy & smile often (see you Friday) :)

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