Ah, spring

Ah, spring

So I stopped and smelled the roses and the goddamned thing bit me. I'm going to assume I'm being litteral calling it god damned. Some god damned it. However I'm not litteral about it being a rose...I actually stopped and smelled the daffodils. Regardless of species the son of a bitch bit me.

"God dammit!" I shouted, followed by a muttered "Garbage bag" while stepping on it.

And it bit me again, right through my shoe. Like, bitemarks on my toes right through my shoe. Workboots to be precise.

Of course, I screamed and ripped off my shoe. As I pulled the sock half my toe ripped off, causing, beleive it or not, a louder scream. One of those high pitched 'was that me making that sound??' screams.

On the ground I stared at the yellow daffodil in disbelief as I took my phone out to call 911. Blood was straight up gushing and I wasn't going to be able to hop anywhere what with the intense pain and all.

My hands were shaking and heart was hammering as I opened up the phone app. I clenched my eyes shut trying to block out how both confused and hurt I was, and as soon as I did the phone was slapped out of my hand. Hard. I opened my eyes and saw I had a deep papercut-like slit from the middle of my thumb and forefinger all the way across the top of my hand.

Looking at the daffodil I saw blood covering the edge of its leaves. My eyes were drawn back over to the flowers center and there I saw an eye. This angry hazel eye staring at me, the petals forming a menacing eyebrow of sorts. It maintained eye contact and I felt my hand go to my foot and yank the toe off.

I felt my hand do this...I absolutely did NOT make the conscious decision to do so.

It took a couple yanks and I yelled and I pulled and I screamed and it released. And then I tossed my toe at the daffodil and the fucking eye had a mouth in the middle that showed itself as my toe sailed over to it. My toe was consumed by the mouth in the eye in the flower.

Have you ever seen an eyeball chew before?


My toe blood ran down the petals as the eye angrily glared at me, chewing.

And then... it was gone. No eye, just a simple yellow flower glistening with my blood.## TLDR Summary:

And then I tossed my toe at the daffodil and the fucking eye had a mouth in the middle that showed itself as my toe sailed over to it. It maintained eye contact and I felt my hand go to my foot and yank the toe off. My toe blood ran down the petals as the eye angrily glared at me, chewing. I opened my eyes and saw I had a deep papercut-like slit from the middle of my thumb and forefinger all the way across the top of my hand. My toe was consumed by the mouth in the eye in the flower. My eyes were drawn back over to the flowers center and there I saw an eye. No eye, just a simple yellow flower glistening with my blood.


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