Mr. Marley, The Movie Man Millionaire.

in #shortfilm6 years ago

Hello Steemit!

Welcome to my post, I have decided to post up a beginning of a script I wrote a while ago. I've spent a lot of hours trying to make this piece as enjoyable as possible. I hope you enjoy what the writing has to offer and the little bit of creativity I want to share with you.

Two men are sitting in a talk show room. The talk show host is about present to the world the man, Mr. Marley, who has just won the world's most highly rated, viewed and watched movie. “Indecent Exposure”

Interviewer: Mr. Marley, great to have you on our show, let me know when you’re ready for the questions

Marley : Good to be here John, ready when you are.

Camera Man: Ready to go in 1… 2.... 3….

Character One: Good Day Mr. Marley, the man who had just won the best movie of the year for the film, “ indecent exposure ” How would you explain the reasoning behind your title as the number one film director today?

Marley : Other than making great movies?

Interviewer: Haha, as funny as always, but really.

Marley: Would a long detailed answer satisfy you?

Interviewer: As a matter of fact it would

Marley : Well, the way I see it, it is humor and irony which make the best films. Even within the simplest and most seemingly innocent of situations, there is a paradox. A simple truth that destroys the essence of its purity. Like a man and his dog. You see, in this relationship there is an imbalance, despite many people claiming that they love their dog more than anything or anyone.. Th-they… twist it. I mean, they cut off their genitalia or even worse sell their offsprings. See, this is a joke! A giant cruel joke, whereby we claim to love something with all our hearts, animals that have sworn their so called loyalty to us and we betray them. Even the most submissive of men and women would scorn at the mere idea of being mutilated and even the most submissive would curse us till our very death if we were to take their children.

Interviewer: Don’t you feel that many would accuse you of being a cynic?

Marley : That’s fine

Interviewer: Well when you’ve successfully made millions of dollars why would it

Marley : Exactly my point.

Interviewer: Could you express something maybe innately good within society? Something good that can be recreated for the purpose of film?

Marley :I can recreate a movie in which I can establish something good within society, however, do not be fooled. There is nothing good within our world, nothing substantial. The idea of love is just a man made emotion to cover the guilt or lust. We are all slaves to our instinct and perhaps it helps that social norms govern our daily routines.

Written By Tommy Turner.

(Picture comment): Just because you're beautiful doesn't mean you can't drown.

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