Is sex at first visit love? Read this story...

in #shopwrite6 years ago

She glanced at her wrist watch; it was 9pm, “Oops!” She screamed she’s late on her first date with Eric. Blair had met Eric at the supermarket while doing her weekend shopping. The sight of him kept her head ranting since that Saturday; the Adonis was stupid fine with his hot athletic body showing off on a T-shirt and a jean trouser that butted a little below his knee
It was approximately six days from the day they met. She was shopping wine when Eric came across her corner, she was tongue tied as the young man approached and smiled brilliantly at her.
“Hi sweetheart what’re you doing ransacking the wine shelves?”


She had her mouth agape as he came closer, “does he know me? No, I’m sure he doesn’t maybe he was just being flirtatious but that’s welcomed for such handsome…” she thought as she raised her brow questionably at him while curving her mouth in a smile.
He came closer; too closer from behind and pressing himself hard on her butt and tilted her face to one side to kiss her cheek, he turned round quickly to kiss her lips when she pushed him away.
“Hey! Stop!”
“Oh! Mine I cant believe it isn’t Sophia, you look so much like her”.
She laughed and wavered her head, “unbelievable, who is Sophia?”
She’s my neighbor, my new next door neighbor. Have been admiring her really, we haven’t talked much, she always cut me off with some excuses, so what happened now was a quick a surprise meant for her,” he explained his action in a concise and fast talk.
“And you are?”
“Eric, I apologize.”
“Apology accepted. Sophia must be wooded if she’s not a robot.”
“Thanks,” and he laughed.
She took note of some power and masculinity in that vibrating laughter of his and it just turned her on.
“Please tell me your name”.
“My pleasure meeting you Blair.”
She smiled while naughtily twisting her mouth like she was licking a candy. “Well I doubt that there really is any Sophia. You just made that move on me, admit the truth and I will reward you handsomely for that.
“Oh that’s true, there is a Sophia; my next door neighbor. You should come to see her, looks so much like you, and if there really is Sophia then reward me beautifully.”
She laughed, “A bet?”
“And it will be nice; I want her to see us, want to see her blush and regret. Do that for me sweetie,” he said in soft and husky plea.
“Funny though but am in, will tell you when I will be chanced”.
He took her hand and placed a kiss there, “thanks beautiful”.
They talked at length and he helped her select a good wine and insisted on paying the bills. They exchanged numbers and hugged their goodbyes. It was too much for a first meeting but Blair was eager for the tour. She rave the thought of exploring some rendezvous with a new and handsome guy, it would be a consolation prize for the lost she has been feeling ever since her ex-boyfriend jilted her a month ago.
Blair had since the week enjoyed love calls morning and night with Eric, the guy was a word addict; masterful in the art of wooing, he kept lubricating her sexuality with some alluring tactic of a macho fantasy and she enjoyed his authoritative masculinity all the way, he even bought a flower and had it delivered to her office on Wednesday, the flower was attached with a love letter telling her how attractive she is and how much he would love it if they could have dinner tonight. She smiled all through the day resisting the urge to see him that evening. When he called in the evening after waiting so long to hear from her, her reply was a thank you for the gift but I will be working late until Friday.
She rushed from the office to her house to shower before setting off and then quickly put on a makeup and loosed her band letting her full wavy hair flow down her shoulders. She picked up her purse and left. She was waving down a cab when a chauffeur emerged from a Limo parked across the street came rushing quickly towards her.
“Hi lady. You‘re Blaire right? And this is you in the picture,” he said pointing at her picture from the phone he’s holding.
“Is there a problem? She asked pretending not to have understood.”
“No problem, just obeying the command from Ms. Eric to bring his lady undaunted to Glory land restaurant.
“Oh… that was too sweet of him, thanks, I’m with you.”
She entered the Limo and they drove away.
She sat down facing Eric as they enjoy different recipes at the Italian five star restaurants. When they finished eating she said to him
“Eric this is amazing but I’m afraid if you keep spoiling me like this you will end up loosing your interest for you next door neighbor to consider having me instead. Don’t you still want to make her regret and come back to you?”
“I wanted to see her blush and feel bad for turning me down but not to have her back anymore. If I have you by my side then what more can I ask for?” he said placing his hand on top of hers on the table and rubbing it smoothly. She looked up and her eyes met his; she gazed at his sexy blue eyes that suggest hot sweaty sex and then he winked at her giving her a thousand watts smile, she smiled back lightly releasing her hand slowly from his she asked.
“So… Eric, where do we go from here?”
Lets stay a little more till she’s back in her apartment, she usually comes back by 8:30; incase she’s some minutes later.”
The sound of the music filled the hall. Some couples were already up to dance. Eric stood up, and then extended his hand gentlemanly to her.
“Let’s dance.”
She stood and smiled her okay giving him her left hand, with the other hand she took her glass of wine from the table and drank it smoothly to the last drop. He waited patiently for her to finish as his eyes took the time to glide her body and how her gown just fitted rightly to her curves. They danced slowly to the sound of the music, his body pressing on hers and his big hand at her back, she felt relaxed, it was as if she had known him long before now, she doesn’t know where this is going to end but she just felt alright at the moment. Eric began to feel the heat from the mounds of her breast pressed on him. He slides his hand downward to the curves of her button and up again; afraid she may be embarrassed. She raised her face from his shoulders to look at him and he slowly made the same approach with his eyes fixed on her lips the met eventually and enveloped into a soft tender kiss, his mouth seared her lower lips and back up tasting it; knowing it was sweet. She felt his hard-on rising from the pleasure and he began whispering some soft incoherent words to her lips.
From a distance, they were just passionately in love; any looker could feel that. At the same moment Eric shared the same thought to her.


“I could so easily fall in love with you, do you know that?
She laughed abruptly and responded, “You better watch it”
She disentangled her self from his grip and he held still her hands as they face each other.
“Thank you”
“For what?” She asked
“For coming into my life.”
“So… what’s next now?” She said gazing at her wrist watch.
“Yes we can go now”
They drove away to his apartment. They got to his house; it was a two storey building, they climbed the set of steps to get to his flat. He lives at the first floor right opposite Sophia’s flat. They got to his door and stood there waiting to see a sign of Sophia but there wasn’t. Eric went closer to press his ear at her door, he heard some movement and the sounds from the television, and he shot Blair a look and a nod to mean that she’s in.
“Okay now, what’re we supposed to do about it, she said hands akimbo.”
“Nothing, she no longer interests me anyway. Have coffee with me inside.”
Blair wanted to say something when a rumbling laughter and a voice saying oh… I love you too came from behind the door.
“Is that her? She asked”
“Yes, that’s her”
“Oh… she loves someone else, sorry about that though I want to have coffee with you,” she added. Giving some simmer of hope to Eric who smiled a thank you killer smile.
They sipped their coffee as they sat on the sofa beside each other watching the television. The TV station played a romantic music ‘All of me’ by John Legend.
“You have a nice apartment here, what do you do?
“I’m an architect”
“Oh… I see why you make sketches of beautiful women in your mind and then plot on how to catch them,” she said laughing flirtatiously.
Eric drew nearer to her side; he raised her leg and placed it right on his lap and started touching it slowly.
I see it in my mind, I study it in my mind, I research and then make a sketch, architecture is an Art, it thought me how to date, how to love and if you let me I promise to make you a lovely queen, he said pressing onward to her laps and caressing slowly. She felt relieved, couldn’t help but relax further back at the sofa as his hands move upward to reveal more until her pant is on the view. She raised her head up and kissed him, he intensified and started kissing her hungrily in urgent desire some rush of excitement rushed through her body as one of his hand came up to touch her breast, feeling one mounds to the other slowly while still drinking from her lips, she breath heavily at the awesome pleasure going on within her. His hands reached up to search her back and he found the zip of her gown he unzipped her slowly then hands on her shoulder he eased the gown down letting it hang loosely at stomach. He returned the play on her breast again and then undo her bra too. Then he took her breast in one hand and caressed the other softly in another hand. She began moaning out now; the pleasure was surging down from her breast to her stomach and down to her pussy, then she unzipped his pants. His cock was already getting hard as she reached out to unbuckle his belt; she unzipped his fly and pulled his cock out….
“Let me handle this,” she suggested standing up and then he freed his hands on her in surrender to give her all the room he could for her lead, she lowered her head down to work her tongue and lips around the head of his swollen cock. His cock in her sweet little mouth, she traced the length with her mouth in an orderly pattern and then took him in his mouth he began to drive slowly in her mouth, lips clamped tight around his thick shaft, Blair moved forward and back slowly following his rhythm, she let him get even more of his cock deeper down her young throat. He doesn’t want to cum in side her so he quickly raised her to a sitting position, spreading her legs he positioned his hard cock between her legs and began pushing. Within minutes a giant orgasm rocks her body and it demands more. She rolls to her stomach and he climbs on top pounding her from behind.
She reaches between her legs and feels his hard cock pounding her more and more - with a giant thrust he pushes harder, she holds his balls as his cock explodes in her. She closes her eyes holding his balls and as he rides her to an unending ecstasy they moan loudly each preceding the other’s slowly and loudly.
“She can hear us now, that’s great.” and they laughed as their body convulsed in orgasm then they came to a stop and he drew out slowly and coiled her closer to his arms in an intimate hug and they slept off.
She woke up at 2am and straightened remembering where she was, she looked at Eric’s face sleeping and smile. Then she zipped up her gown and picked up her purse to go.
“Where are you’re going?
“To my place”
“Please don’t, is Saturday stay with me,” he said straightening up to hold her hand and squeezing it softly.
She smiled agreeably and “then said then I think I need to shower.”
“Let me show you my bathroom.” He stood up and walked across the passage opening the door to a bathroom. It was a large bathroom. On top of the bathroom cabinet laid all the shower cosmetics one could think of.
“You’ve got all you need here,” he said gesturing on the cosmetics. He resisted the urge to stay; to hug her at the tub, as he get to the door to leave, he heard her saying from behind.
“Why did you take the care to get this, entire do use them?” she asked looking at the different items: shampoo, bath bombs, myrrh, bathing salt….
“I told you sweetheart, my life is architecture; I make the sketch before the structure appears, they are for you not me, I only use soap for my bath.”
As he opened the door to leave she rushed back to him placing her hand on his while his own hand is on the knob, she then pushed the door close while her other hand wrapped around him to reach his chest where it rested firmly.
“You have an invite, join me.”
“Thanks for asking,” he smiled.
She drew him to the centre of the room and turned her back to him, he quickly understood and unzipped her gown she turned and rolled it down her belly. He reached out to help her but she obliged, she seductively rolled it down her hips and down her legs and stepped out of it.
“I can use some help now, she said backing him again to undo her bra.”
He did exactly that and then she slowly glide down her pant. He stood looking at him loving every part of her; she looked most beautiful, like a goddess; her curves and long hair and her standing full breast he took a picture of all of it.
I’m not Artist but you’re tempting me to make a picture of you and I definitely will make a perfect one.”
Seconds later, she started masturbating her breast in front of him, she caressed it softly and with her index finger rolling along the tit and then her hands slowly glided down her stomach to her V-zone she rubbed slowly down to dip one finger into her pussy; repeatedly in an out, the act was erotic and unbearable to him as she began moaning softly. Eyes fixed on her, he began to unbutton his shirt quickly when he finished he flew it away to a corner and started with his pants he removed it too and quickly do away with that too. The eyed each other lustfully waiting for the next move, she was still thrusting her finger into her pussy even more faster now and his breathing grew shallow…
“Oh fuck Blair… I’m going to cum.” He screamed out. She was dieing to have him too so she beckoned him forward with her index finger and lay down at her back drawing him on top of her they began to kiss passionately, his hand seared down to her breast and down to her pussy in accelerated desire, his huge erection was shocking her; it might rip into her stomach, she so wanted him inside her, without hesitant she guided him inside her and he began thrusting forcefully in and out, Blair soon closed her eyes, threw her head back and had three orgasms while he fucked her brains out.
They lay in his bed wrapping each other warmly. “I couldn’t have felt happier in my life this moment, you’ve made my soul to yearn for more of you, I just know I can never get enough, I need a company; move in with me Blair be my lover, I promise to make you the most important thing in my life.”
“You’re so sweet and loving Eric, but I need to be sure things will be right between us.”
We shouldn’t do anything from the reprisal of rejection.”
“Ssshh… baby,” he stopped her with his index finger crossing her mouth.
We must not wait until we make all the mistakes and have the quarrels, don’t be afraid of something new. Now we will go out to shop; I need to buy you another clothes for the weekend and a ring.”
“You got to be kidding me.”
“You’re 34 and I’m 37, we’re two matured adults and whatever happened we can seek it out okay…. I love you. Waiting for the right time and to learn from our failures may not make it all alright, baby it’s you and I, our decisions that will. And getting started is the best step there is.”
“I love you too,” then she laughed out loudly.
“What is it?”
“Things are so magical between us.”
“Yeah, love can be magical.”
They went out that Saturday morning to shop and Eric chose an expensive diamond ring. Back in his house, he formally got Blair engaged and they spent the rest of the week happily together. When they got ready to leave for work Monday morning they met Sophia at the passage leaving.
“Sophia meet my fiancée Blair, doesn’t she look so much like you?”
“Oh God!” Sophia screamed and run back to her apartment banging the door so loud behind them.


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