Technology Woes: Walmart Prepares to Introduce Automated Stores.

in #shopping7 years ago

According to a recent article published by Business Insider, the corporate giant, Walmart is currently in the process of developing a store with no cashiers. This is their ideal store of the future further reducing costs in and effort to maintain their role as the number one low cost leader of merchandise in the United States.

According to reports it can be compared to Amazon's Amazon Go store and Walmart's secret Code Eight team is in charge of its design and implementation.

The Code Eight team is a part of their Store No. 8 tech incubator.

Are we being led to believe that this is going to be the future of shopping? If that is the case then I think we may as well start showing retailers that we disapprove by boycotting their stores.

According to Walmart, they have a new vision for the store, called Project Kepler. Not much is known yet but apparently there is talk of using advanced features like "computer vision" to track and charge for purchases without the use of a traditional cashier. The eye in the sky so to speak.

Sketchs of the idea make the concept looking extremely similar to Amazon's Amazon Go store, which uses tracking cameras and machine learning software to charge customers for things they take off the shelf. Although Amazon is in the lead regarding this effort, they may soon find Walmart is not far behind.

Of course this is all just speculation at this point and can't be verified because unsurpisingly, Walmart did not respond immediately to a request for comment. Generally these types of stories have the possibility of angering customers and people in general. Who likes to hear about greedy corporations further cutting costs and taking the human race out of the equation, unless you're a customer.

What other stores to you expect to be fully automated in the coming decade? Do you think that Walmart will be successful in automating their stores? What does this mean for the future of retail shopping?

Please leave your thoughts and comments below!

Thanks for dropping by @techblogger.

Walmart is reportedly developing a store of the future with no cashiers - Business Insider

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I can see that happening very soon. The technology is already there and it comes down to money. Walmart can save a ton by having an automated store. I'm surprised they haven't built one already.

I agree. How do you stop a monopolistic monstrosity like this from eliminating human labor for the sake of increased profits?

Artificial Intelligence is finally becoming apart of our life in a big way

It will only continue to increase exponentially from here I'm afraid.

Right! Two A.I. robots are becoming citizens also! If they aren't already. SMH!

it started with amazon , the financial system introduced the bots , we have autonomous cars running on our roads. AI will soon run everything

we are entering an era of robotics powered by artificial inteligence and it seem its humans who will lose out, you cant stop technology

Automated stores exist in china.
I am sure you know Jack Ma and his story is one of the most inspiring stories in the world. He started automated stores in china few months ago and everything is working well.
but this actually is a problem in my point of few.. Lots of jobs will be taken by the machines in the world thats why unemployment started to find a place even in developed countries.

I am aware of Jack Ma. This is an interesting contribution, I will look into this further. Thanks for the insights!

Currently my store (03630) is in the process of removing over half of our registers to put in more self check ones. They will be fully automated with one person to oversee 4-8 at a time.

This is really disappointing. I'm sorry you have to face this reality. I believe we have allowed our countries to become too corporate. We sacrificed small business ecosystems for lower prices and now it is coming back to haunt us in the form of monopolistic greed. Take care.

Customers hate them, but higher ups dont listen, they only want to cut costs of cashiers to make customers do the work for free.

Not too smart to piss off your cash flow...

I can see the automation happening.. but I wonder how the theft rate will be contained? I know the Walmart near me has always had issues with shoplifters. Will their be AI security guards too?

I'm pretty sure the store will probably lock down if a crime happens, but it will have to be an MINORITY REPORT type of thing were the scanners are at the entrance, idk. @teamtruth

Technology will leave people unemployed?
Technological devices are now doing the things people do. They will do much more. Technological work machines help people. But the technology is moving fast. Maybe you will not need people in the future business. Voice response customer service, automatic telling and a lot of things. They've already entered our lives. Most people know that a car that runs without a driver with a brand-name strip tracking system ...
I will ask you ... 50-100 years later? What do people do? With technology advancement, there is an increasing technology market. I hope there will not be chaos. :) Sophia's response to artificial intelligence production: "Well, I will destroy all people."
If this is our last result: D
Thank you for your unshakable reading :) My country is clocked at 5:53 am :) I think I was a little bullshit :) If you are bored while reading your comment, sorry :)

We have to combine technology and the human. The problem is that there are people who want to make a profit, and putting machines rather than huamin is more profitable for them. It's sad.....
I like the technology when it intervenes in the service of the man but at this level it is not the case

I would believe we are headed towards a cashier-less store too. Our local Walmart store removed cash registers and set up at least double self check out aisles, if not triple--and right before Christmas! I wonder how much $$ they will save during the holidays.... It's inevitable. Computers are high tech these days--not just desktop or laptops anymore--with AI robots that can 'learn' from us, carry on conversation & remember it, even asking more questions to keep the conversation going! It's unreal how far we have come in AI in recent years. It is no wonder we are moving forward with robots and they are advancing so quickly.

I'm sorry about this. It is tragic and that's why I felt it deserved coverage.

No more cashiers!?

Funny motion gif. Good job lightening up the mood on this board!

Yup! Looking for when this takes place & where else A.I. going to be relevant!? Are they going to run for president too?

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