Shoe Shots No. 19.1 ~ External Deep Analysis Of @ocrdu's Newest Shoe Find ~ Original Photography by @ocrdu and Original Cutting Edge, Thought-Out-Thoughts About Shoes by @ddschteinn

in #shoeshotsnumber19-16 years ago (edited)

What IS The Story, Mory?

Shoe Analysis Preface

The very interesting blue and yellow shoe shown above was discovered recently by the ever-exploratory, ace photographer and commentary specialist @ocrdu, in an unknown area of the Netherlands. [Post-Shoe Shots No.19]. Though I do not know in WHAT area of the city or country the blue shoe was found, it appears to be in a city-scape of one form or another.

Undaunted, we shall continue on with some heady shoe-find analysis here, without the ALL-important background information. After all, what is Deep Science, without a bit of far-ranging speculation? As some scientists have said somewhere in the past: "Always move forward, even in the face of factual disparagy."

For Every Shoe, There Is A Reason

I believe I heard somewhere that the budget for the Netherlands City Park And Wide-Open Spaces Department (N.C.P.&W.O.S.D.) had been drastically reduced for some reason or another. Something to do with boats. Or windmills? I cannot remember. You would have to ask @ocrdu about such pesky details. But it all makes total sense to this author. Because this particular shoe hanging out in public is obviously an end result of these fiscal financial difficulties.

Read on.

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Five Scenarios To Explain The Blue and Yellow Shoe

Scenario No. 1

The Budget-Driven, Padded Monkey-Bar Design Spec

When money for Parks is short, bad things happen in the Park. Such as children or rambunctious adults bonking their head on the very hard, iron and steel bars that make up the Monkey-Bars. And what is the root cause of all this multi-aged noggin knocking? A HUGE lack of adequate, affordable padding.

There's a saying in the outdoor gym-equipment industry, to the tune of: "as goes the budget, so goes the padding on the bars". And this is a FINE example. Look at that iron climbing pole above. It just SHOUTS a hanging, shinnying or running-under 'goose egg' in the loudest possible, Motherly voice.

The solution? More padding! And if you cannot afford the design-spec, foam covering engineered for 'the bars'? Use other soft, handy-found objects. Such as worn out, discarded running shoes.

The sport of running around as fast as you can, even though nothing is chasing you at the moment, is a VERY And because the earth's surface IS composed of hard-scrabble rocks, asphalt, dirt and things, there is a MASSIVE turnover of product in this recreational arena. Run around all over the place at full speed, and you soon wear out your shoes. Whereby you toss the old ones, drive to the local mall, buy a brand new, very expensive pair, and start the process all over again.

What better resource for cheap, don't hit-your-head-on-the-steel-bars padding, than old, discarded shoes. Just tie them up in all the appropriate, Monkey-Bar corners and climbing places, and let Mother Nature do the rest for your soft, dent-able head. Brilliant planning indeed.

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Scenario No. 2

The Low-Budget/Color Coordinated Parkland Flower Pot

People LOVE flowers. And flowers in pots in Parks are even better. They stay in one place, are easy to water, and you don’t' have to worry about dumb weeds getting up into the pot, mucking about with the pretty flowers.

Once again, the shoe industry is helping out the Parks in this scenario. How? The use of old, discarded running shoes as a planter. Super ingenious! The standard running shoe is designed to drain sweat from the foot, so the fabric naturally drains well when watering the flowers with a hose. And because of this excellent shoe porosity, root rot is never an issue with the flowers. Plus, this tie-on hanging system means the shoe planter spins easily with the prevailing winds. Think of a soft, spinning, very colorful wind chime. Without the chime. Another big plus.

Also, most running shoes are VERY colorful. Thus allowing for some highly dramatic and creative flower/pot mix and match, artistic design and negative-floral-space color-palette displays.

Added Safety Bonus

There is also a huge safety plus with this system. By design default, this reduces, once again, the age-old Park problem of walking around and under a bunch of heavy, hanging planters. Lets face it, ramming your head into a sweet, hanging Nike Pegasus-Elite II full of Begonias and dirt is a WHOLE lot better than klonking into the huge old standard, iron or stone pots hung everywhere on ancient, discarded boat chain. Safety first in the Parks, I always say. It just makes sense.

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Scenario No. 3

The Bird Breeding-Box Hanging Shoe

Birds love to make nests. And though I've never been there, the birds of Europe are probably no exception. It's highly possible that the Netherlands City Park And Wide-Open Spaces Department is hanging old running shoes as nesting platforms for various birds in the Park. Local birds such as the Banded Gos-Wren.

Once again, it just makes good sense. Running shoes have the perfect entryway for the adult birds, the tongue keeps out the rain and other nasty weather falling from above, and the toe-box is IDEAL for fledgling a group of the highly carnivorous young. I'm not actually sure whether or not they HAVE the Banded Gos-Wren in the Netherlands...and we don't actually have them here either. Nonetheless, this is a definite possibility as to how this shoe was placed in this particular spot in the Park. Tied onto the steel bar from above as a bird nesting 'box'. Wildlife Management is SUCH an amazing field of study.

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Scenario No. 4

The Standard, Mean Older Brother, Topsy-Turvy Shoe-Tie Prank

I had an older brother growing up. And from YEARS of painful experience and other anecdotal research, I'm fully convinced that ALL older brothers study from the same H.A.P. Manual Of Brotherly Interaction. (H.A.P.-Harassment, Aggravation and Pestering.) This very thick book has obviously been translated and must be available worldwide. Just ask any little brother. And I'm sure the Netherlands are no exception.

If I scrunch down my cranio visu-factors, I can just about visualize it now. Some poor little kid's older brother and his friends tied junior to the Monkey-Bars upside down, by his shoe laces. And left him to hang and scream and carry on as they stood by and laughed. As my Mother used to say, “It's all fine and dandy, until someone gets hurt ”. And this is no exception. I'm sure he just hung there, upside down like a bat, yelling and wiggling, all to the joy of his mean older brother and his friends Ed and Jeff.

Then, gravity being what it is, the youngster fell OUT of this one shoe, the added body weight then breaking the lace on the OTHER shoe as he went. With junior finally ending up headlong into a pile of small boy on the hard ground below. Thus leaving the single shoe he fell OUT of, tied to the bar above.

The shoe, of course, soon righted itself because of that gravity thing...and the little guy chased his brother and friends all the way home in his one, shoe-less stocking foot and other shoe. No doubt cursing his brother, the friends, and the small, sharp, pebbly rocks of the 'Standardized, N.C.P.&W.O.S.D - Walking Path Design', as he went.

The shoe is still hanging there today. Double-tied on the bar, as any TRULY caring older brother would no-doubt do. After all, even a prank on little brother needs a modicum of safety, when you're hanging him upside down by his shoes from a Monkey-Bar over the hard, green earth. (Either that, or a double knot is harder to escape from...)

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Scenario No. 5

The Most Likely Scenario

Budgetary-Driven Directional Location Signs

Signs. They're everywhere. And let's face it, during normal, flush financial years, all that wood, metal, stencils, paint, posts, buckets and brushes to create proper directional signs is VERY expensive. And in lean years--this is an even larger problem.

But running shoes are a billion dollar industry, with many many companies competing for customer attention. Which includes all the requisite advertising and loud shouting about, touting their brand of shoe as THE BEST. And what is plastered all over the outside of each company's shoe, in huge, easy-to-read, colorful letters? The brand-name letter.

I think someone in the N.C.P.&W.O.S.D. must have come up with a BRILLIANT plan here. Why not use all these old, discarded shoes as directional signs?! All you need to do is tie the appropriate shoe in place on a post, Monkey-Bar, tree branch, or any other horizontal structure, to show folks where they should go with the greatest of ease. And at a huge cost savings.

Want to point out which direction one should walk, when taking a hike? Be it North, South, East or West? Use the appropriate shoe! All you need to do is pick the correct brand name that corresponds to the proper cardinal direction letter you need, tie the shoe in place...and VWAAAHAAAH! Instant directional sign. The New Balance shoe above is no doubt pointing to something or other, to the North.

Plus, these shoe signs are weatherproof, squishy and safe for use in potential high-impact sporting areas (Ultimate Frisbee, football, rousing games of disc golf, etc), and can be moved at will. Say, if the magnetic poles ever shift from North to South, or some other UN-foreseen event of the natural world. Just re-tie the shoe to another object, as per nature's suggestion.

I've included an example guide below, that any Official Park Person can follow when making a simple, efficient shoe sign:

Handy Letter Guide For Directional Shoe Signage

North------------New Balance
East--------------Edward Green Shoes (England)

In Full Review

I do believe we have covered all the likely scenarios for the shoe @ocrdu found in his area of study. Though I've presented some pretty compelling ideas above, I lean more toward either the big brother shoe tie, or the directional sign theory. They both make the most sense to this errant shoe specialist.

~ Finto ~

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Thanks for stopping in and viewing the latest edition of Shoe Shots. If you have any thoughts about finding shoes in public, what that incredible find might mean, Parkland budgetary woes and what THEY mean for cutting-edge innovation in Park design and daily function, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 05/13/2018 @ 19:15

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 69

Ocrdu 19.1 Shoe Shots  stinky and Queen Molly.PNG

Ironic, at best...


I like the thoughts of scenario number two, as anything to do with flowers always catches my eyes fancy. I'm not sure how I feel about putting my pretties in a stinky shoe, but I feel like these sneaks have had plenty of time to air out. Besides , which, nothing can be as stinky as Dutch cheese. Just saying. And nothing against the Dutch. I personally love it.

For me, scenario number for makes the most sense as I have six brothers and I can totally see that happening. Not that they were unusually cruel, however, they were boys. And we all know that boys in numbers is a potential gang.

A delightful read and just so you know I usually get here too late to join the party. I just read the one about the Sip & Smoke and that had me laughing. My grandparents have a sip and smoking they actually used it because didn't every grandparent smoke with their coffee in the morning, nevermind that they were poisoning me with second-hand smoke? Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I enjoyed that but came too late to participate in the festivities.

Tip! Worthy

Dutch cheese smells great. Just saying.

Hehe... I could never get enough of it when I lived there. :)

The flowers seem to be the popular choice. Everyone loves flowers. WOW, six brothers. I'm surprise you didn't get tied upside down or something of that nature. As you say, not a mean thing, just part of being a boy. Though I think they're nicer to sister than brother. Then again, I used to put my rubber monster creatures in MY sister's Barbie car, and run it down the drive full-speed into the street for spectacular crashes. All to her chagrin. So maybe not....there may not actually be a true moratorium on brother to sister-bother after all.

Glad you enjoyed this and the Sip n' Smoke. Just happy that you get some fun out of reading them, even if late getting to them. (My natural modus of operandi, it seems. Always waiting for vote strength to do some more pushups and bulk up.) Amazing your grandparents actually had a Sip n' Smoke, and used it. It was a new one on me. I too got bombarded by the second hand smoke in life. Amazing how much more we are aware of these days. My dad smoked a pipe too, and it always smelled so divine.

Thanks muchly for the tip, very appreciated. And hope you have a marvy day today. (I need to catch up here, are you still boating about? It's been a hard week this week, and I've not been on here much. So I'm pretty clueless). Well, Cheerios, and onward to more Steemitisms and such.

I'd say all of these scenarios are viable, how can I pick just one!

However, number 2 has a special place in my heart, being someone who does love to find receptacles into which one can place plants. It actually made me think of the hilarious things I have seen other gardeners do, and the most relevant being old wellies and other old boots as planters. I have seen it many a time, so this is not too far fetched.

I don't know if you know of the old UK show French and Saunders, but they once did a series of skits with these characters that were locals in the English country side looking after the house of a wealthy weekender, and the skit was poking fun at their odd habits when they were done 'of a weekend'. And one of them was making a garden in a pair of old wellies and gluing dried flowers on old weasal traps. It was hilarious and very apt.

Number 3 is pretty on point as well, because we have had birds nest in basically any garden implement that sits through Winter in the garden shed. If we don't get to it first come Spring, blam: Bird house. It's like a race on the first day of melted snow, the sparrow eyes you as you make your trepidatious move outdoors. You catch his clever eye and his wings half cocked to take off and the race begins. Who will make it to the shed first?

But, I say tie some more shoes up there and then we can go ahead and accept all 5 scenarios, one for each circumstance. :)

It IS hard, isn't it. With so many believable possibilities. I kind of thought that No. 2-planter, might be big with you. Having seen many plantings in corners of Toad Hall as we do. Do you have a series of old sitter-commodes linning the driveway, with plants in them? I've seen that many a time. Not quite my thing, but then again, I'm not known for being much of a hands-on planter person. I just do more appreciation and photogs of them. And weedeat massive weed and grass patches, for garden space. What fun.

I shall see if I can get French and Saunders on the Roku box. I love the English humor and dry wit. Some of my favorites over time. Used to watch Keeping Up Appearances too. Never take themselves too seriously. Was a big fan of Foyle's War and of course Downton Abby. Or however it might be spelled.
Love too that you chase down the birds for nesting/planting spots. "Be nice, be nice". I can imagine you as nothing but, when it comes to the critters. Well, I better get to writing. Hope you are busy and having some divine tea at the 'in-betweens'. Garden and art on, I say, garden and art on. Ta'

Ah! It’s good to read your great article again…. These five scenarios are very interesting and much creative idea. I especially like the scenario No. 2. Yes, I’m one of the people who love flowers. That’s why “flowers in pots in Parks are even better” for me……

Great work, as always! ;))

Good to hear from you as well. I have been off the site for awhile, except to try and vote and keep up a bit. Hope to be more 'normal' soon. Glad you liked my multiple scenarios. They are all possible, at least in SOME world. Flowers do seem to be the favorite...everyone loves flowers. And I'm pretty sure you might love them more than many. From all I've read in our fun history. Thanks again, and have a nice night.

You're welcome! I must say many thanks for your great support to my work and try to keep communicating with me in my posts or in my comment in your posts.... I do really hope you'll more "normal" very soon.... ;)

Yeah! You know me well...., I love flowers more than many, for sure! Thanks, GFF! ;))

The toe is too long to be a children's shoe for Scenario 4. And any reasonable old-shoe-flower-planter program would have the flowers in the shoe before it gets tied on to any infrastructure. From my own experience, I am going with Scenario 1. The worst bloody nose I ever had was at a park with a playground next to our county lake. My granddad caught a big catfish. I got so excited, I ran - face first - right into a big swingset post. I was in high school, so I remember it clearly. An old shoe would not have hurt so much! And I'm sure that even that small town had plenty of old shoes around, if only someone had organized a collection drive to empty the closets!

You make some pretty strong points here. Though the size thing COULD be in camera closeness. Or the fact a relative's kid has BIG feet. Nartch nartch.
LOVE that you ran into a pole when you were young. Not that you actually DID it, or hurt yourself, but a classic story for sure. I bet Grandad got a bit of a charge out of that one. Maybe we could TIE the shoes to people, for padding. Hey, THERE'S a great idea. Yeah...
Thanks for stopping in and regaling us with some HH history.

Actually wonderful analysises about new and unexplored shoes from Netherlands :) when I read I had a funny time :) it is really funny sharing

Thank you for sharing and have a nice day

Thanks my friend. So glad you enjoyed it. There seems to be a lot of shoes tossed out now and then. Someone's got to make sense of it all...

I'm liking Scenario No. 3. :P It could be because I spend part of my day saving baby ducks because their parents were dumb. lol

Ha haa, I read your story. I agree, like shoes, someone has to save them and make sense of the world. I suppose no one ever claimed ducks were the Einstein of the bird world. Wonder which bird is?

Big Bird from Sesame Street. ;P

Ha haaa, of course. The smartest bird around. And so YELLOW.

I am not buying the flower pots in Two, but I think One has some credence. After all budget cuts are very real and steel is very hard.

Hmm the bird's nest is a possibility.

We might need to test the tensile strength to determine it is was strong enough to hold the kiddo upsidedown...

Five has a bit of utility to it so Im not counting it out. Personally I would like to propose SIX! Yes I think it is a promotion stunt put on by the manufacturer. I mean look at that shoe! Been out in the weather for who knows how long and yet looks...well it looks pretty good really. Almost makes me want to buy a pair because it if can take the elements, what harm can I do to it. I may be off here, but Im just saying, it is possible...

I think your number 6 might have great merit. There is NO end to what might be tried in the world of high finance and the 'getting of folk to buy your stuff' world. As for tensile strength, is that the bar, or the laces?
(I do like your take on the elements. A shoe that holds up in the outdoors, and still drains is A-OK in my book.)

I say we start with the laces. I figure them to be the weakest link...however, looks can be deceiving!

I vote for scenario #3!! Or... It was a shoescide! (Shoe suicide) Did you call the shoe police? Maybe they will bring the SCSI (shoe crime scene investigators) and they can dig until the truth comes out!

Ha haaa, the shoe detectives. Didn't think of that scenario. We can see what the SCSI 'kicks around' for clues. Thanks for the chuckles.

I would go for scenario #3, it is the most romantic so far. I recon we also have to think about birds making love and building nests <3
In South of Italy you find running shoes and washed clothes hanging out in the street every where =)

I agree, the world needs more of this love action. So...the shoes and clothes, are they hung out to dry? OR tossed on the wires and such for a joke. We have shoes and underwear all over our wires and bushes sometimes. Particularly down by the river. Just curious...

The shoes and clothes are hanging out to dry. It is very typical in South of Italy :)

That makes sense. My mom lived in an area for awhile that had rules against hanging your laundry out to dry. Looked tacky or something?? Talk about dumb. Just what the world of global climate change and other environmental problems needs, a rule mandating drying your clothes with an electric machine. Yikes. No wonder we're in trouble here...

Why on earth the would forbid it? Does it not decorate and make the street more beautiful? Is that in Netherlands?

No, back in middle America. It's some dumb rule they have in some towns or areas. To keep it from looking ugly or not 'pristine' or something. It is WAY beyond my understanding. Or below it. I agree, it looks more festive, fun and PRACTICAL with things hanging about. Bring on the shoes, shirts and underthingies.

I will never understand why authorities try to make everything more aseptic, less warm and not cultural friendly.
How do people dry their clothes then?
By the way, do you mind please upvote my comment in this post here, (even with 1%, I don't care about the percentage, it is about the number of votes) you would help me to win the Saturday beer contest!
If you don't want, it's cool!

For sure I will vote. And if you comment back to the comments people give in that post, you can get even more votes. On those. Hope you can win the beer contest thingy. I just saw it this AM.

As for clothes drying, you throw it in the electric dryer, and use massive electricity, and shrink your clothes. That is better than the free sun, in the world of the organized neighborhood. Double yikes.

hahaha! Senorya number three is great! :D
I had a lot of fun while I was reading. i love these shoe stories

So glad you liked reading about the shoes. It is a hard choice, isn't it. So many GREAT arguments O :
Have a most wondrous day. And be on the lookout for shoes...

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