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RE: The Shit Post Diaries 1/12/18 (#2)

in #shitpost7 years ago

Starting out, and losing your mind over what to post, considering your comments word for word. When all you needed was to google a picture of something and post then take your savings and pay a bot.

I shall present the first part now so you do not have to go look for examples. 🙈

My dear steemit friends, good sirs and lovely ladies.

A Yellow Banana.


True,, that is essentially what many of them post.. It somewhat sad actually as it does not benefit the platform in any conceivable way.

I know everything is supposed to be all open and anyone can post without being "censored". I would prefer things be more aggressively moderated, maybe put things on a timeout and bring it back from timeout once it has been given approval, guilty until proven innocent.

Then again that is not really working for youtube and their entire algo is based on trash that people like, people being the problem, we do have the choice though to just avoid those parts of steem as it grows into new branches, 9gag style, people playing games , shitty quizzes.

Content is so broad that I just can't seem to figure out how steem even has value if they are giving money to all content but then a person probably also need to ask why to sites have ads even with most being ad blind.

all good points, and that is why I am looking at synero at the moment and wild spark as a better steemit.. steemit is like a reddit but with more problems. and is likely to be become the next myspace

There were bound to be new iterations, I just wish everything could interoperate and not get a person locked in so much, kind of like busy,steemit,dmania them all use the same underlying blockchain or multiwallet but for platforms such as this, create contents once share on all.

Ancient times now seem to have been more one world than we are in modern times. Fracturing everything we do into a million pieces so we can all be rulers of our own faction.

I agree and like..

Banana is seen I see dear..?.. Nice post dear for of. to you for me follow of.

(I’m something of an amateur anthropologist of the steemit comment sections and I’m still working on fully learning their method of communication, but I do believe the above comment to the banana picture is coming very close to the mark. I fear it may still be too intelligible, so I will likely be moving my field research deeper into the “aceh” tag.)

Dangerous territory since that is a cultural group is it not? Better to bag on people who should know better than those who are merely ignorant. If you want unintelligible you want fanboys of things, not any fanboys the "hype beasts".

Show people a fool dressed as a king instead of a fool just doing what a fool does.

^^^^ Just came to me but as all things, not sure where I stole it from else it is ALL MINE. Take note people.

Anyway not to be a bummer, and I appreciate the humor just thought I would write what I thought.

To be really clear, I would never, ever criticize, judge, or mistreat anyone for their membership in any ethnic or cultural group. (It makes no difference as to the principle, but for whatever it’s worth, I happen to fall into the category of what is generally understood as an “oppressed ethnicity, so I’m sensitive to being on the receiving end of that kind of nastiness).

But I’ve found that the Aceh tag, for whatever reason, happens to be inundated with hilariously nonsensical, contentless comments.

I’ve read that this is possibly because many people living in or around Aceh susbsist in a level of poverty that is so crushing that even a small amount of money made on Steemit can make a meaningful difference in their lives.

But that would be all the more reason why I don’t think it’s unethical or even mean-spirited to mine the comments section of people posting to the aceh tag for poor-quality content, because the people from aceh who are legitimately putting in the work and time and effort to provide quality content so that they can make a long-term, consistent financial difference for themselves and their families, are disproportionately affected by the low-quality posts on that tag which promote the idea that people from aceh are “just scamming.”

It’s kind of like how the email phishing spammers who were oftentimes based out of Nigeria were horrible for the majority actual Nigerian entrepreneurs and Nigerians who are working so hard to start legitimate web-based companies, only to be ignored by the rest of the world as “scammers” because of the reputation the scammers.

In that sense, I don’t think there’s any ethical or moral issues with lightn humorous criticism of the low-quality, low-content posts under a tag that is normally associated with a particular geographical location and the people that live there. (Again, not that it changes the principle of the matter, but on a practical level, this far I’ve always “paid for the privilege” to find humor in those low-content comments anyway, because I’ve always upvotes them solely because they gave me value-as-humor and I feel the obligation to remunerate them for that).

In the words of a great steemian

I agree and like..
- pawsdog

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