How to set the lucid dream...

in #sharing8 years ago

"Lucid Dream" can be understood as an experience in a dream, where we can control our dreams, feel the things in it, and the important thing is still realized during dreaming. Lucid dream is divided into two, namely Lucid Dream experienced by accident, and Lucid Dream arranged deliberately so that we can experience it. Arguably, Lucid Dream stage more easily than Astral Projection and can be used as a "beginning" to Astral Projection.

What is the difference between Lucid Dream and ordinary dreams?

Its distinguishing point is one word: awareness. In a Lucid Dream, we really experience everything in the dream consciously, whereas in ordinary dreams, we seem to just watch or the things in it. After waking up, we can remember very clearly the things in the Lucid Dream, while if we dream usual, there will be things that are missing in our memories.

What are the benefits of a Lucid Dream?

Of course, the main purpose of taste Lucid Dream is to enjoy life in a dream world, where we can get a variety of very pleasant experience. Another goal is to fulfill the desire that can not be achieved in the real world. Because in a lucid dream we can control everything in it, then to organize a variety of things we want to achieve would be a simple thing. Another benefit of Lucid Dream is to improve the ability to solve problems, overcome phobias and trauma, increase creativity, and gain confidence.

What can we do in a state of Lucid Dream?

Are many and varied. We can try anything and be anything in dreamland. The most common experience is to feel fly from one place to another. There is also another dimension to the exploration, interaction with people in your subconscious (subconscious) and others. Keep in mind, the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell you stay active in a lucid dream. You can even experience a variety of emotions such as happy, sad, compassionate, happy, and others. There are 3 categories of Lucid Dreamer, and here are the things that can be experienced :

A. Beginner
Walk through a wall, drawing in the sky, flying in space, exploring the world of dreams.

B. Intermediate
Eating, dating or meet figures, during which only exists in your imagination like artists, sportsmen, politicians, heroes, cartoon characters, and others.

C. Level Expert
Sexual intercourse, a taste of life after death, was inspired to apply to the real world (example: the idea to write a book, make a movie, and so on)

Are there any negative effects of Lucid Dream?

During not done to excess, no negative physical effects of Lucid Dream. Some cases of stress may appear Lucid Dream if you are terrible or frightening. In a lucid dream acute cases, some people may lose motivation in the real world because they felt they could get anything in a dream world. One thing that you must remember, everything in Lucid Dream just a dream, no form of reality.

Stages and Steps Lucid Dream

1. Sleeping in a relaxed state, with a loose and casual clothing.

2. Control breathing and concentration. Try to slow respiration, but remains concentrated to the organs of your body, from head to toe. How this was ever discussed in Wikumagic blog, in articles about Astral Projection.

3. Keep the mind remains conscious, but relaxing. If you attempted conscious but not relaxed, you will not be able to fall asleep. Try to do things that can make you remain unconscious in a relaxed state, like counting sheep or imagine yourself going up and down stairs.

4. Sleep Paralysis. This condition is a major stage in the direction Lucid Dream. This is the stage where it is often referred to as "squeezing". You may feel crushed by something very heavy, labored breathing, the body was spinning and flying. Remember, do not awaken when it reaches this stage. If you wake up feeling scared, Lucid Dream you will fail.

5. Black Out. The transition period where you feel entering the room pitch black. Will last for a while, and once again not to awaken.

Now, after going through this stage, you will begin to feel a sensation, whether in the form of sight or sound, which essentially means that you have entered the world of dreams and ready to explore. Remember, do not remove too extreme emotions, like too happy, too angry, or too afraid, because these things can be interrupted Lucid Dream. The point is only one, fixed concentration.

How to Get Lucid Dream

So, how do you get to experience Lucid Dream?
The bottom line is two things: Knowing and realizing that you're in a dream world and keep checking your consciousness.

This method can be accomplished by the following steps :

1. Check your reality and consciousness :
Recognize the signs of a dreamTry to get used to check reality and your consciousness, even if you are not dreaming. ask yourself: Am I dreaming? An example is to make sure the clock is still running, or check the force of gravity. If you do that in dreams, there will be a rarity (eg, in a dream world clock is not running, there is the possibility of flying objects against gravity). Well, if keaneahan happened and you know it, congratulations ... you have to experience Lucid Dream and could start exploring dreams.

2. Remember your dreams
Try to remember any of your dreams, and record your dreams in a notebook after you experience it. This technique is called the making of a dream journal.

3. Trying to get up in the middle of your sleep
The best time is in the morning, where you still have enough time to continue with your sleep. After waking up, drink lots of water, try to remember your dreams before, and continue to sleep.

4. Visualization and Suggestion
Before going to bed, imagine the fantastic things like flying in the sky, painted on a cloud, or other things. Then say to yourself over and over "I will experience Lucid Dream and record it in a dream journal.

5. Listen to the music wave to simplify the process of Lucid Dream

6. Be patient and keep practicing
Lucid dream is something that should be continuously trained, and may not be immediately successful in one experiment. If that fails, try again review the methods that you do, and do not despair. Keep practicing and practicing.

One more thing to keep in mind, there are restrictions on the Lucid Dream. You may be able to control a dream, but not 100% because after all, the dream is another dimension of your life.


I worked on this a lot back in high school, and was able to make a fair amount of progress with it, but quickly lost the ability when I went to college and didn't have as much time to practice. The instructions you give seem pretty much the same as way back then, so I guess tried and true! What has been your experience with it?

I do not have any thoughts about this I just wanted to share this

Very cool, i'm going to foreward to my facebook account so I can get back to it and practice the steps. Here is one of my posts for your pleasure Blessed BE

I like this topic! Keep telling stories about lucid dreaming!!! What you are explaining is the WILD method. It is far more common to enter a lucid Dream with the Dream Initiated Lucid Dream (DILD) method. To be honest... thats the only way I've ever experienced lucid dreams. Therefor you have to ask yourself in your ordinary dream if you are dreaming to gain consciousness. One of the best experiences in my life!

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