Shari'a: Intruding on the Personal and Its Privacy Denial

in #sharia7 years ago (edited)


by An awakened Citizen

June 30, 2017

My first post introduced the reader to the idea that all religions are not the same and that the U.S. Constitution does not differentiate within its text. However, it does differentiate between the ability of a citizen to believe as one desires, (Establishment Clause) but is limited in the exercise of his beliefs (Free Exercise Clause). I posited that the free exercise of religion must conform to the rule of law as stated in the Bill of Rights and the laws of the land.
(See Religious Freedom and the Constitution )

In this article I pointed out the danger of Islam being introduced to the U.S. as a generic religion on a par of other religions of the world. My thesis is that the term religion as used in the Constitution needs to be further defined consisting of two parts--Belief and Action--Belief being free and personal, and action being consistent to the Rule of Law as defined in the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

We don’t know what we’re doing (but the politicians do).

From all around the immigration issue, I find a dreadful misunderstanding of the essence of Islam. The picture above is a case in point. The people carrying this sign are grossly out of step with the dangers posed by Islam.
The point on the banner stating ‘No to Racism & Fascism’ shows no knowledge of the laws of Islam. Mawlana Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi [1903-79] a chief architect of contemporary Islam summed up Islam like this:

“the very antithesis of secular Western democracy ... In such a state no one can regard any field of his affairs as personal and private. Considered from this aspect the Islamic state bears a kind of resemblance to the Fascist and Communist states”

(Mawdudi on the Islamic State, Muslim Power and non-Muslim Rights, )

The banner displays ‘Yes to Equality & Diversity.’ Again, no knowledge. According to Mawdudi, Cultural Aping (diversity) has

"very disastrous consequences upon a nation; it destroys its inner vitality, blurs its vision, befogs its critical faculties, breeds inferiority complexes, and gradually but assuredly saps all the springs of culture and sound its death-knell. That is why the Holy Prophet has positively and forcefully forbidden the Muslims to assume the culture and mode of life of the non-Muslims."

(Mawdudi on the Islamic State, Muslim Power and non-Muslim Rights, >> )


And Islam has rules on the treatment of LGBT:


p17.1 In more than one place in the Holy Koran, Allah recounts to us the story of Lot's people, and how He destroyed them for their wicked practice. There is consensus among both Muslims and the followers of all other religions that sodomy is an enormity. It is even viler and uglier than adultery.
p17.3 The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:
(1) "Kill the one who sodomizes and the one who lets it be done to him."
(2) "May Allah curse him who does what Lot's people did."
(3) "Lesbianism by women is adultery between them.


12.2 If the offender is someone with the capacity to remain chaste, then he or she is stoned to death (def: o12.6), someone with the capacity to remain chaste meaning anyone who has had sexual intercourse (A: at least once) with their spouse in a valid marriage, and is free, of age, and sane. A person is not considered to have the capacity to remain chaste if he or she has only had intercourse in marriage that is invalid, or is prepubescent at the time of material intercourse, or is someone insane at the time of marital intercourse who subsequently regains their sanity prior to committing adultery. If the offender is not someone with the capacity to remain chaste, then the penalty consists of being scourged (def: o12.5) one hundred stripes and banished to a distance of at least 81 km./50 mi. for one year.

If the penalty is stoning, the offender is stoned even in severe heat or cold, and even if he has an illness from which he is expected to recover. A pregnant woman is not stoned until she gives birth and the child can suffice with the milk of another.

Reliance of the Traveler and Tools for the Worshiper

We are inviting a culture which is diametrically opposed to our Constitution and way of life. As a matter of fact, by Shari’a, the very people welcoming Islam are marked for death.


Islam is a political system whose goal is the elimination of our government.

The primary goal of Islam and Shari’a is to overthrow Western governments and install their Caliphate as the ruling political system. According to Mawlana Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi:

The purpose for which the Muslims are required to fight is not as one might think to compel the believers into embracing Islam. Rather, their purpose is to put an end to the sovereignty and supremacy of the unbelievers so that the latter are unable to rule over men. The authority to rule should only be vested in those who follow the true faith; unbelievers who do not follow this true faith should live in a state of subordination. Unbelievers are required to pay Jizyah (poll tax) in lieu of the security provided to them as the Dhimmis (‘Protected People’) of an Islamic state. Jizyah symbolizes the submission of the unbelievers to the suzerainty of Islam. ‘To pay Jizyah of their own hands humbled’ refers to payment in a state of submission.‘

Islam wishes to do away with all states and governments which are opposed to the ideology and program of Islam. The purpose of Islam is to set up a state on the basis of this ideology and program, regardless of which nation assumes the role of standard-bearer of Islam, and regardless of the rule of which nation is undermined in the process of the establishment of an ideological Islamic state. Islam requires the earth — not just a portion, but the entire planet — not because the sovereignty over the earth should be wrested from one nation or group of nations and vested in any one particular nation, but because the whole of mankind should benefit from Islam, and its ideology and welfare program.

It is to serve this end that Islam seeks to press into service all the forces which can bring about such a revolution. The term which covers the use of all these forces is ‘Jihad’. To alter people’s outlook and spark a mental and intellectual revolution is a form of Jihad. To change the old tyrannical system and establish a just new order by the power of the sword is also Jihad, as is spending wealth and undergoing physical exertion for this cause.

Mawdudi - Islam is a form of fascism

Islam is a political system which intrudes on the personal and denies privacy.


Islam dictates what knowledge is permissible.

For instance:

a7.2 Unlawful knowledge includes:

(1) learning sorcery (dis: p3), since according to the most reliable position, it is unlawful, as the vast majority of scholars have decisively stated:
(2) philosophy (dis:w10);
(3) magic (Sha`badha, meaning sleight of hand, etc.);
(4) astrology (dis:p41);
(5) the sciences of the materialists (dis:w11).
(6) and anything that is a means to create doubts (n: in eternal truths), Such things vary in their
degree of unlawfulness.

a7.3 Offensive knowledge includes such things as post-classical poetry which contains romance and uselessness.

a7.4 Permissible knowledge includes post-classical poetry which does not contain stupidity or anything that is offensive, incites to evil, hinders from good; not yet that which urges one to do good or helps one to do it (n: as the later would be recommended) (ibid., 1.27)

Islam even dictates how to go to the lavatory (I cut this one short; there’s more)


e9.1 It is recommended when one intends to use the lavatory:

(1) to put something on one's feet, unless there is an excuse (O:such as not having shoes);
(2) to cover the head (O:even if only with a handkerchief or other);
(3) to set aside anything on which there is the mention of Allah Most High. His messenger (Allah
bless him and give him peace), or any revered name (O:like those of prophets or angels). If one enters with a ring (O:on >>which something worthy of respect is written), one closes one's hand around it;
(4) to ready stones (N: or other suitable material (def:e9.5)) (O:if one uses them) to clean oneself of filth (N:though water >>alone is sufficient);
(5) to say before entering:

"In the name of Allah. O Allah, I take refuge in You from demons, male and female," and after leaving. "[O Lord,] Your forgiveness: Praise be to Allah who rid me of the hurt and gave me health";

(6) to enter with the left foot first and depart with the right foot first (and this, together with (3) and
(5) above, are not only for indoors, but recommended outdoors as well);
(7) not to raise one's garment until one squats down to the ground (O: to keep one's nakedness covered as much as possible) and to lower it before one stand up;
(8) to put most of one's weight on the left foot while squatting;
(9) not to spend a long time;
(10) not to speak;
(11) when finished urinating, for men to squeeze the penis with the left hand from base to head (O: recommended because this is where the urethra is, and for women to squeeze their front between thumb and forefinger) (N: so urine does not exit later and nullify one's ablution) pulling lightly three times (O: this being recommended when one thinks the urine has stopped, though if one thinks it has not, this is obligatory);
(12) not to urinate while standing (O: which is offensive) unless there is an excuse (N: such as when standing is less likely to spatter urine on one's clothes than sitting, or when sitting is a hardship);
(13) not to clean oneself with water in the same place one relieved oneself, if it might spatter, though if in a lavatory one need not move to a different place;
(14) to distance oneself from others if outdoors and to screen oneself;
(15) not to urinate into holes, on hard places, where there is wind, in waterways, where people gather to talk, on paths, under fruit trees, near graves, in still water, or in less than 216 liters of running water;
(16) and not to relieve oneself with one's front or rear facing the sun, moon, or the Sacred Precinct in Jerusalem.

e9.2 It is unlawful to urinate on anything edible, bones, anything deserving respect, a grave or in a mosque, even if into a receptacle.

Reliance of the Traveler and Tools for the Worshiper

Remember that “…no one can regard any field of his affairs as personal and private. Considered from this aspect the Islamic state bears a kind of resemblance to the Fascist and Communist states.”


Beware of Enormities: Sins with Threat of Punishment

These enormities have been edited from the Kitab al-kaba'ir (Book of enormities) of Imam Dhahabi, who defines an enormity as any sin entailing either a threat of punishment in the hereafter explicitly mentioned by the Koran or hadith, a prescribed legal penalty (hadd), or being accursed by Allah or His messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace).
This is a list found in the book of Sharia law entitled Reliance of the Traveler and Tools for the Worshiper

I am including this list to show a sample of the all-encompassing nature of Sharia. In further articles we will examine these and other lists which show the political nature and intrusiveness of Islam.


The Author's Introduction p0.0
Imam Dhahabi's Criteria for Enormities p0.0(n:)
The Importance of Knowing the Enormities p0.2
Ascribing Associates to Allah Most High (Shirk) p1.0
Killing a Human Being p2.0
Sorcery p3.0
Not Performing the Prayer p4.0
Not Paying Zakat p5.0
Showing Disrespect to One's Parents p6.0
Accepting Usurious Gain (Riba) p7.0
Wrongfully Consuming an Orphan's Property p8.0
Lying About the Prophet p9.0
When It Is Unbelief and When an Enormity p9.1
Hadith Forgeries p9.4
Weak (Da'if) Hadiths p9.5
Breaking One's Fast During Ramadan p10.0
Fleeing from Combat in Jihad p11.0
Fornication p12.0
Marrying a Fornicatress p12.1(3)
The Leader Who Misleads, the Tyrant and Oppressor p13.0
Drinking p14.0
Arrogance, Pride, Conceit, Vanity, and Haughtiness p15.0
The Wickedest Arogance Is That of the Learned p15.3
Bearing False Witness p16.0
Sodomy and Lesbianism p17.0
Charging a Woman Who Could Be Chaste with Adultery p18.0
Misappropriating Spoils of War, Muslim Funds, or Zakat p19.0
Taking People's Property Through Falsehood p20.0
Injustice (Zulm) Is of Three Types p20.4
Theft p21.0
Thief's Repentance Entails Returning Property p21.3
Highwaymen Who Menace the Road p22.0
The Engulfing Oath p23.0
The Inveterate Liar p24.0
Suicide p25.0
The Bad Judge p26.0
Permitting One's Wife to Fornicate p27.0
Masculine Women and Effeminate Men p28.0
Marrying Solely to Return to the Previous Husband p29.0
Eating Unslaughtered Meat, Blood, or Pork p30.0
Not Freeing Oneself of All Traces of Urine p31.0
Collecting Taxes p32.0
Those Who Accept Tax Moneys p32.3
Showing Off in Good Works p33.0
Breach of Faith p34.0
Learning Sacred Knowledge for the Sake of This World p35.0
Reminding Recipients of One's Charity to Them p36.0
Disbelieving in Destiny (Qadr) p37.0
Listening to People's Private Conversations p38.0
Cursing Others p39.0
Leaving One's Leader p40.0
Believing in Fortune-Tellers or Astrologers p41.0
A Wife's Rebelling Against Her Husband p42.0
Conditions for Permissibility of Leaving Home p42.2(4)
Severing Ties of Kinship p43.0
Meaning of Maintaining the Bonds of Kinship p43.0(A:)
Making Pictures p44.0
The Talebearer Who Stirs Up Enmity Between People p45.0
Loudly Lamenting the Dead p46.0
Attacking Another's Ancestry p47.0
Excesses Against Others p48.0
Armed Insurrection and Considering Muslims Unbelievers p49.0
Hurting or Reviling Muslims p50.0
Harming the Friends (Awliya') of Allah Most High p51.0
Dragging the Hem of One's Garment out of Conceit p52.0
Men Wearing Silk or Gold p53.0
Slughtering in Other Than Allah's Name p54.0
Surreptitiously Changing property-Line Markers p55.0
Disparaging the Prophetic Companions (Sahaba) p56.0
Disparaging the Medinan Helpers (Ansar) p57.0
Inaugurating a Reprehensible Innovation (Bid'a) p58.0
Women Wearing False Hair and the Like p59.0
Pointing a Blade at One's Brother p60.0
Falsely Claiming Someone Is One's Father p61.0
Believing That Something Portends Bad Luck p62.0
Drinking from Gold or Silver Vessels p63.0
Arguing, Picking Apart Another's Words, and Quarrelling p64.0
Stinting When Weighing or Measuring Out Goods p65.0
Feeling Secure from Allah's Devising p66.0
Despairing of the Mercy of Allah and Loss of Hope p67.0
Ingratitude to Someone Who Does ONe a Kindness p68.0
Withholding excess Water from Others p69.0
Branding an Animal's Face p70.0
Gambling p71.0
Violating the Meccan Sacred Precinct (Haram) p72.0
Forgoing the Friday Prayer to Pray Alone p73.0
Spying on the Muslims and Revealing Their Weaknesses p74.0

Keep your Eye on the Prize

The goal is to show reason that Islam is MORE than a religion and, in fact, is a political system bent on the overthrow of the US Constitution and our Bill of Rights. A Muslim does not have the freedom to reject Shari’a and actually has an obligation to do Jihad against non-Muslims (kafir). Sharia Law is a requirement of Islam which threatens the stability of our culture and lives.

Sharia law examples.JPG


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