Last 'Share Your World' Contest # 4 - Where there is crisis, many opportunities are created

in #shareyourworld6 years ago (edited)


In constant movement.

Hello everyone and thanks to @reonlouw for the fourth installment of the 'Share Your World' contest.

I am originally from Maracaibo, Zulia state and I am based in Caracas, Miranda State. Every time my family and I travel to Zulia, we make a stop in the city of Santana de Coro, the state capital of Falcón, Venezuela. This city was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1993, because the city is one of the first Spanish settlements to remain on the mainland, its buildings are unique throughout the Caribbean region, and because it is the only surviving example of a successful fusion of native and mudejar Spanish and Dutch architectural techniques and styles, thus becoming the first site in Venezuela to be declared as such.

In addition to the inhabitants' nickname, we can enjoy the Isthmus of the Médanos de Coro, that spectacle of nature that always shows a different landscape, since by the effect of the wind they move every day.



I hope you enjoy these photos, in which you can appreciate the wonder of the Médanos, it is worth living the experience and that is why I invite those who have not yet visited the Los Médanos de Coro National Park, be encouraged to visit it and enjoy this incredible creation of nature.

The photos were taken with my Nikon D3400 camera



My nephew obtained his medical degree in Venezuela, later revalidated his university degree in the United States of America, managing to enter to do his specialization in gynecology and obstetrics at Wayne State University.


My nephew is one more of the Venezuelan Diaspora, he left three years ago and thank God he is doing very well. We are very close we always talk to each other and he tells me everything about what life is like in Detroit, Michigan. I have not seen him for three years and that is why I would like very much to travel to Michigan to embrace him and share with him personally.

As we talk to him almost every day he tells me how life is there, he told me that this city went through very chaotic moments but that today it is an example of progress and development. It has filled me with interest the slogan with which they promote Detroit as a tourist destination "When a city has a soul? When it's called Detroit. "

And of everything my nephew has told me, I would like to go especially to the "Spirit of Detroit". The "Spirit of Detroit" is the most representative symbol of the city. Behind this symbol there is a passage from the bible that says: "Now the Lord is the spirit, and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" along with the motto of the city in Latin: "Speramus meliora; resurget cineribus "which means" We hope for better things, which will rise from the ashes ", which more than 200 years later continues to apply to the current situation of the city.


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