Last 'Share Your World' Contest (#4) From Venezuela to Japan East Asia


Hello everyone! I am very motivated with this contest and I thank @ reonlouw, for organizing this contest, the subject seems great to me, since through it we know other countries that are part of our global village.

I live in Maracacaibo capital of Zulia State, Venezuela. I was born, I grew up and I'm still here in Maracaibo "The Land of the Sun Beloved".

As a child I have many beautiful memories, but the one that most remains in my momoria is the flight of the Papayagos.
Throughout my childhood, my favorite hobby was flying a Papagayo, especially on the days we went to the beach during Holy Week, or on any other day in which it ventured strongly.

The Papagayo or comet is one of the most traditional games of our country that today are maintained, at least once in life, regardless of age, every Venezuelan flew or tried to fly a Papagayo.

The Papagayo is a toy made with light wooden sticks that are joined with wick and wrapped with tissue paper, cellophane or plastic bags. In addition, it has a cloth tail to give stability when flying and a rope in the middle to hold it. The most common are in the form of a diamond, but there are those who do it in other ways.


The vocal quartet of Venezuelan Creole music Serenata Guayanesa delights us with its song the Papagayo, by the artist Iván Pérez Rossi.

Dear friends, as well as raising Papagayos, I really like to draw and write about animes or manga (comics), so I would like to know Japan, East Asia and what amazes me most is that as a curious thing the Papagayo was created in Asia , specifically in China, with the name "bird of the wind" or "harp of the wind".
Although today it is used to play and recreate, many years ago, in 1200 BC, it was used as a military signaling device. Then it spread to Europe, and that's how it finally arrived in Venezuela thanks to the colonizers.

As I mentioned I love to draw anime and mangas in this publication I show you some of my drawings, I hope you like it.


What attracts me most about Japan is through anime and manga.
In Japan, like me there are many fans of anime and manga, that's why I would like to go to the representative areas of anime and manga.

I dream of traveling the country from end to end; from the island of Fukuoaka (south of the country), passing through Tokyo to the Hokkaido archipelago (located at the north end of the island).

I dare to dream that I am there doing my most longed for desire. It is more writing this post I traveled to Japan in my imagination. :)


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