Share Your World - @fitinfun Contest Entry

in #shareyourworld6 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for the Share Your World Contest sponsored by @reonlouw. He asks questions about those of us who enter and offers great prizes. I hope you will enter too!

This week's contest has five questions and here they are with my replies.

1 Tell us about a funny family member or close friend. What makes them funny?

I had a boyfriend for a year in Appalachia and he was the funniest person I ever met. I laughed for the whole year with him. I was with him for about two months before I could understand a word he said and he was still funny. He spoke a language called "hillbilly" and it took me quite a while to catch on to it.

I normally go for the tall, dark and handsome type and my hillbilly boyfriend looked like the troll that lives under the bridge. He was shorter than me and had a big pot belly and no front teeth. Basically, just looking at him would get you laughing.

He had the fit-in-fun attitude more than I do and never stayed anywhere he wasn’t happy. We moved over 50 times in the first few months we were together. After that I stopped counting. I learned to keep my few possessions ready to go because we would leave anywhere in a heartbeat. I'd hear, "Honey! Git chur purse!" and we'd be gone.

When I try to tell you why he was funny, it will not translate well. But his catch phrase was “How do you like me now?!” after he did something crazy, and everyone would laugh.

2 How do you think people describe you when you are not around? (Only positive comments. Nothing derogatory.)

People tell me I am serious, crazy, unrealistic, and driven. This is what people say to my face. I don’t think they remember me when I am gone. Few people are nomadic and like to tell me about things like health insurance and stability.

I have also heard this many times: "If you keep being like you are, you will not be able to stay." I'm not staying anyway, but there is no point in telling people this information. Maybe they will soon see I am gone. And how can you change "being like you are"? This I have never figured out.

3 If you were president of your country for a day, what would be the one thing you would change?

I would never be president anywhere, and I do not feel like I have a country. My passport is from a place I have not been for years and do not have plans to return to.

But I sure would like everyone everywhere to not be obese. This would happen if we had a better food supply in most places or if each individual would take care of themselves in terms of food, exercise, and rest. My passionate goal is to help others get as healthy as they can and this is my worldwide plea.

4 What kind of weather do you enjoy the most? Why?

I like weather that is hot, hot, hot. I try to stick as close to the equator as I can. I have arthritis and cold kicks up my symptoms. I am also not a fan of snow. I grew up in it and even taught little kids to ski in one job. But I will be glad if I never see it again.

I particularly hate needing more than one wardrobe for various seasons. I have enough trouble just to keep clothes for heat.

5 What was the most fun you had as a child?

Reading was my fun as a child. I was always the new kid and always the fat kid. I could always find my books in libraries anywhere, and not worry about anyone else, or what they thought of me, or how I did not fit in.




Yes great title for the photo :)

I upvoted your post.

Best regards,

Posted using condenser site.

Thank you @fitinfun. Great entry as always! You have definitely had some interesting people in your life.

I did the same as you with reading growing up. A good book was the safest place I could find. Even today, I would describe my favourite holiday as a good book and a comfortable chair with a view, preferably the sea.

lol - He is the same guy I pick for my most memorable character. He would be worthy of a book if I felt like writing it :)

If I had the view, I would not be reading! Staring off to sea is a good way to have fun too.

hahaha..."later that same life" very very good. Hey that boyfriend could be the poster child for rednecks! ha! why did you move constantly? He was a little crazy?

I like your post. I want to participate in this contest after reading your entry. 😊
Now I begin to try this.
Have a awesome day !!

I'm so happy to here this. @reonlouw runs excellent contests and is a great connection on steemit.

Hello @fitinfun, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

You have been defended with a 10.70% upvote!
I was summoned by @fitinfun.

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