
Hi my dear, what a perfect post to bless God with. How wonderful to see you use your unique, special talents, that He has given you, to lift Him up, and bless His soul, while it also blesses your own, like Dr. Leaf says it does. What a terrific way to show your love to God and the rest of the worldI see how much you have truly changed these past few years, how your heart has softened, and the love has grown stronger for your family, friends, and for the people of the world. How incredibly beautiful it is, that together we have both have come to love God so much, above all things, what a joy it’s been, to see us grow together in faith, isn’t it fun! We are so incredibly blessed, my love, Gods love and amazing grace is almost to overwhelming for me, I cry all the time because It, you have know idea. God has been so generous with giving us so much in the way of material and mental support, as well as His time talking to me. I continually thank Him for It. I have said to Him “aren’t you to busy Father, to talk to me for so long at one time” He told me He is talking to many people, actually at the same time He is talking to me. He told me, at the same time I’m making you happy Debbie, when I give you my time, it makes me feel happy to , because I love you and I’m fulfilling your needs, and in turn, by giving you my attention and love, it fulfills my needs, my own happiness, in my own mind as well, it’s a real father and daughter relationship. Giving to you and all the humans of this world, fulfills my needs, it keeps my own mind working perfectly. Quantum physics, is how it works. He said to me, “ my mind is on a much higher level of thinking capabilities, as well as knowing more things through living as long as I have lived.” He has told me that He has know idea how really old he is, because He said He just thought, and said to Himself “I am.” I am something He thought, He felt it, but didn’t have the words to express it, He had know words for anything, He was a new creation, He was formed to think, and at first, He didn’t understand how He was formed. Later on he understood completely, and it helped in creating others. He’s explained some of that to me as well. God told me, He just came into existence, through His own surroundings. He told me, when He was born into existence, it was much like a newborn baby, except with no flesh, only a soul. He heard nothing, seen nothing, couldn’t touch anything, and couldn’t speak. The only thing was thought, but He new He was there. Like a newborn baby. He has never met any other being like Himself, no one outside His realm. He said that this is why He can claim He’s omnipotent. He has told me so many amazing things. I have prayed to share these things with you, I have learned to be patient with it. God has said to me, someday Rick will want to , he won’t be afraid. He told me that you are concerned with the information, that you don’t want to believe anything that isn’t the truth, I completely understand❣️I’m so blessed for the gift of this iPad, God says, it was in His plans for me, for us. I can express my feelings even better writing I’ve found, isn’t that neat, just like you. God and I are working together here on Steemit to spread love and support, which is giving, it is hard work really, mentally. We have arrived at The scents home now, I’ve got to stop writing ❣️

I agree, but I definitely have a bias!

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