
hehhe if only it's not illegal down here ;)

Okay fair enough good reason to leave it alone.. Btw a whole young generation is on adderal (amphetamine) these days. I see it everywhere that people use it like it is a coffee plus or such..

hahaha it is! especially if you're at school and doing degree... I mean it's bad but younger generation doesn't have the same attention span as older generation. unless, they are willing to stop consuming short content and start reading paperbook again..

what were we talking about haha

Dont believe what elders tell you. Their attention span is just as fucked.. :D

Anyway its pretty freaking crazy that is easy to get some adderal and weed is illegal. What a world..

Ye, it's pretty fuckin shitty world we live in. I wonder how weed which is non pharmaceutical is illegal meanwhile adderall which is artificial is legal... that's fucked up !

I don't really believe the olders but well, verify :-p

@markush do you know where to buy this?

I have no idea.

In Amsterdam they sell a lot of that stuff. But it is not my favourite to be honest. In my experiences they contain too little cbd so i have to eat to whole store stockings to get a nice buzz.

However, if they did have a decent cbd level then i would love stuff like that.. I would be in the gym or where ever popping those edibles. :D

hahahahahahaha I am sure you'll need gym afterwards if you eat a lot of it

Perhaps you can make your own chocolate with decent cbd level ;)

That's like one thing I might try if I go there!

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