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RE: Share 2 Steem // Tesla Self Driving is Amazing!

in #share2steem5 years ago

Hey guys ! (@geekpowered and @aussieninja ) thought I'd leave my thoughts on this convo!

I totally get the point about how mass transit like trains would make a lot more sense from a safety and economic standpoint. Sadly - most US cities are not set up for this kind of infrastructure.

Luckily - full self-driving cars should actually decrease car costs because the ride-sharing options will be insane. So many fewer people will need to own cars. Here's why:

About how much of a car's life would you say it just sits there not being used? Maybe 80%? Tesla will have a ride-sharing service where you can literally have your car drop you off at work - drive around for you all day like an uber (also making you money) and then pick you up when you are done. Because ride sharing will be even more easily available - it should drive down the cost and allow fewer people to own cars.

Another interesting point on this - is that you'd think the car would wear out super fast if it was driving around that much during the day. The beautiful thing about fully electric cars though, is that without a messy gas engine that has tons of moving parts - some road tests are showing that Tesla's can last 500k miles or even a million if you replace the battery at the 500k mark.

Lots still remain to be seen - but it's a pretty exciting future!


So exciting!

I actually think that at some point Tesla will just stop selling their cars and just profit from their fleet and the Tesla network.... if the Model 3 costs around $30K (for them to make)... but can last a million miles and earns $0.80 per mile, that's a huge amount of profit to be made, way more than they would get from selling each car.

So... I'm pretty sure that once Full Self Driving is released (hopefully by the end of this year, but maybe next year) the Teslas with that hardware will actually appreciate in value... pretty rare for a normal car, and very exciting for everyone.

@geekpowered is right in that all the accidents in Telsa's make the headlines... each of the 4 fatalities over the last 3 years worldwide has dominated the news cycle, while the 37,133 automotive fatalities just in the US just in 2017... don't get anywhere near the same coverage... and that's mainly due to all the people that are shorting the 31% of Tesla shares trying to mess with the share price. I'm sure people will eventually see past the terrible media coverage when they can play with their phones instead of driving... I mean, the productivity benefits alone are huge.

Sadly - most US cities are not set up for this kind of infrastructure.

Many US cities actually used to have electric trolleys. They were bought up by the petrol and car companies working together, who then ripped up all the rails and trashed them. They're coming back in a few places.

We could set up high speed rail between major cities though. There are quite a few places that are close enough that it would be relatively cheap, and it would be a financial boom to that area. Then businesses would naturally pop up around the stop and slowly cities would restructure themselves to the new way, just as they did to cars.

As to ride sharing...I don't know if it will be as financially affordable as other forms of shared transport. It might end up being more so, due to decreased cost of infrastructure.

you'd think the car would wear out super fast if it was driving around that much during the day.

I was thinking about that...but more so about wear and tear on the interior, as well as scratches and dings. Maybe you can cover that with the ride cost...maybe not. Once there's a ton of cars out there, there will be incentive to lower cost.

There's another problem with cars: animals. Cars kill tons of animals every day. It's a massive problem. We put roads through natural preserves and across natural animal throughways, causing them to get hit constantly and decimating the population of various species. Pretty much everyone has had a pet killed by a car. This is because we have chosen to pave on ground level and not even bother to build any kind of tunnel anywhere for animals to cross. This ironically costs us a lot more in the long run, just as cars end up costing us a lot more, once you consider everyone has to buy one outright or put it on lease and buy insurance and gas.

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