A post about Share2steem for my Facebook audience.

in #share2steem6 years ago (edited)

This post is mainly for my Facebook audience, though I figured I should share it here as well, someone may find it useful.

Have you heard of share2steem yet?
It's a cool new app/website that allows you to share the content you post on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube to steem which is a cryptocurrency you can convert to real fiat money as long as your Nation hasn't banned crypto.

So essentially what they did is they found a way to monetize old social media.
And.. They plan on doing other social media as well. I'm eagerly awaiting the Facebook version!

They just released a new version the other day and now their website looks a lot more sleek and professional.
I was planning on this being my final review, however.. I think that will happen when they release the Facebook version, so this will be another shorter mid term review.

I have quite a few friends from Facebook and Instagram who tried steem, but for whatever reason.. Couldn't get into the groove of posting regularly, and with this app.. People don't even need to post to steem anymore! This bypasses that, and people can keep their old audiences and not have to start all over on a new platform.

I think it's a great idea and I've been following it for a while now, I've seen some others who've seen this tech express that they think some day in the future virtually all old social media will be monetized on the steem blockchain. Or I suppose somewhere else if a coin ends up doing better than steem..

But anyways.. I think this is a major step towards helping to add more widespread adoption of crypto. It's sort of merging the two worlds which is really cool!
I hope the creators get rewarded well for their efforts because this idea is really powerful I think..

Anyways.. If you have any questions please let me know and I'll do my best to help, you do need to sign up for steem first though I'm pretty sure the recent hardfork made signups easier than ever so that shouldn't be much of an issue for anyone anymore!

Also, I'll include my referral link below, I don't care if you use it or not but if you do use it when you sign up then I get I think 5%? Of what you earn that would normally go to the creators, I could be wrong with that number, but I think it's somewhere around there.

They don't take much of the profit and if you want the full 100% you can always just go post on steem yourself, yet.. Might as well make money from your posts that you weren't before right? I mean it's really easy.

It's basically like free money for doing what you were already doing and the effort to get started is minimal. So.. Once again, lemme know if you want any help.. I'm happy to help if I can. :)

I think that's it for me for now.. Hope all is well! And talk to you later peoples.


Here's their site without my referral link.


Very interesting. i do not actually have a twitter, instagram or youtube account but I really like the idea. Maybe if they do end up creating a facebook version I'll jump on board and give it a try. Though I rarely post on facebook so i'm not sure how much profit I would generate lol.

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