Block Explorer for tokens is available at incase someone wants proof it's a real blockchain

in #share2steem5 years ago (edited)


I just love seeing how real these steem-engine tokens really are with a complete oublix blockchain ledger.

Just because a coin is not proof of work and isnt #bitcoin nor #ethereum doesnt mean it is not crypto. Delegated proof or stake is becoming more and more reliable as every day goes by. People already switch from ethereum to eos with the largest dapp on ethereum. So its only a matter or time before people recognize DPOS and that means EOS and steem and even bitshares all getting g good publicity. EOS will pave the way for steem to follow


And as an example I showed a token TPU which allows you to own a piece of a tip bot service which is one of the few legit use cases for fledging new #steemengine tokens. Here you can actually see who owns what and a complete record updated with every steem block which is almost every second!

So now you can prove to your friends that yes steem engine tokens you created for 35 bucks in steem IS INDEED a real cryptocurrency with its OWN fully working block explorer

#bloks #blockexplorer #steem #steemit #steemengine #blockchain #btc

And Tipu TPU token page here

I repost my instagram feed to Steem with which I see as a gateway for people to bring content to steem and to bring millions of new users to steem to get paid for existing social media

Posted from Instagram via Share2Steem


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Hi Steemians. Today, I'd like to introduce you to th...


Another cool thing is that the token doesn't necessarily have to have value, it could just be used for a game... But that person would actually own it and decide how they use it.

So easy to transfer using keychain as well. I hope to see keychain on android soon.

Posted using Partiko Android

Brave Browser throws a warning on that click-through ;)

its just a block explorer + steem needs to fork brave

isnt there a third one too another steem engine block expolorer more lkike steemd? like this rpocks onme

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