
2 things come quickly to mind.... Mexico and manifest destiny's pretext for stealing land and US forfeiture laws that take peoples' money even if no crime has been committed. was terrible the way the spainards treated the indians..

manifest destiny doesn't apply to spain but we can include Europeans in your statement. was still terrible what the europeans did to those poor helpless, defenseless, unprepared native americans...

Ha! Those who would lose their moral sense by orienting themselves on the law, couldn't have had much of it in the first place. However, those who have a strong moral sense carry "the law" within themselves. Those are the ones who can tell if the law is in accordance with moral values, and if so, they'll follow it to the letter, not out of fear or respect, but because they know it to be right. In case it is not, they will fight it tooth and nail, for the same reason: because they know that it's NOT right.
Reminds me of the famous quote by Ammon Hennacy: "Oh judge! Your damn laws! The good people don't need them, and the bad people don't obey them."

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