
in #shadowphoto6 years ago (edited)

Foto bayangan wajah dan senjata angin.diceritakan tentang seorang pemburu kancil dihutan belentara. saya merasa hebat setelah megunakan topi ini. senjata angin yang biasa saya gunakan untuk menjaga kebun dari binatang perusak tanamam.

this is a photo of a face shadow and a weapon of the wind. It is told about a mouse deer hunter in the forest. I feel great after using this hat. I often use wind guns to protect the garden from plant-destroying animals.


orang yang tak tahu lagi istilah pelanduk, napoh(kancil) atau pergem. Padahal ini adalah nama-nama hewan lokal, yang dulu sering diburu oleh masyarakat pedalaman di kampung aceh Binatang liar itu ditangkap untuk dijadikan sebagai sumber hewani, lauk-pauk keluarga atau dijual sebagai penghasilan tambahan.
Tapi kini, hewan-hewan ini sulit didapatkan. Kalau pun ada, populasinya terbatas di hutan-hutan tertentu saja. Jenis hewan itu mulai punah, sejak perambahan hutan oleh perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit dan pemburu merajalela, beberapa tahun terakhir.
"Dulu gampang cari pelanduk (kancil) di hutan Puding Besar. Kalau pasang lapoh(perangkap), sering dapat.


people who don't know the term pelanduk, napoh (mouse deer) or pergem. Whereas these are the names of local animals, which were often hunted down by rural communities in Aceh village. Wild animals were captured to be used as animal sources, family dishes or sold as additional income.
But now, these animals are difficult to obtain. If any, the population is limited to certain forests. This type of animal began to become extinct, since forest encroachment by oil palm plantation companies and hunters is rampant, in recent years.
"It was easy to find a mouse (mouse deer) in the Big Pudding forest. If you put it in a lap (trap), you can often get it.



destroying animals

That is sad that the deer population has gotten smaller. Great shadow photo! Thanks for entering!

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