Entry for Shadow Photo Contest [Round 76]- "Feet Shadows"
Hello friends, before the deadline arrives I want to publish my entry and show it to all of you.
This is for a very fun steemit contest, which is done by @melinda010100. This week the theme as the title of this publication says is: Foot Shadows And says that: This week's contest can be shadows of anyone's feet!
Now, I may have taken this too literally but every day I always see a feet on my bedside table and I said "this is my chance to teach it". Since I was a child I have built without realizing a centerpiece with things that I have saved. Among them is the foot of my favorite lifelong doll that my sister broke and lost and of which only her leg remained. This is now fun to tell but it broke my heart.
There are several things there, I cannot specify what each thing means to me because it would take so long, but can you see the leg? That is what I am talking about.
Now every beautiful Barbie leg has to model a bit, here are a couple of photos. And of course, as every glamor queen also has her second shoe to wear.
Well, I hope you find my wrist leg fun. Obviously it is not a real foot, but it is a foot. It's just a little fun and sharing a good time with you. And since it's just one presentation per person, I took the trouble to choose this one definitely.
Wonderfully creative foot shadow! Thanks for entering!