
That is because all the services and whales you called on us and our members realized YOU are the one with fake accounts and are the stealing content and not a good Steemian! We all see through your shit! We all talk! See talk that is the key! But you want to defraud the platform and steal rewards from GOOD steemains who deserve it then BITCH you don't get more from a platform you contributed almost nothing to! Do we need to dig up all the bots you called and paid and all the flags you made to our members the last 3 months just to prove YOU are the one who is a scammer? EVERYONE can see and knows YOU are the one who is trying to get more from the system than they deserve! YOU are the one harassing new members and YOU are the one who tries to take away from our platform for your own benefit! You must have a guilty conscious since you have to deflect all that hatred toward us when all we EVER ASKED was to just talk to us IF you felt wronged! You don't want to! Discord is NOT our where we TELL our members to address issues. Either open a SUPPORT TICKET or reply as you are here. Discord is a gamer's chat that half our team doesn't even use so you are wasting your time there trying to reach us.. #FakeNews! Everyone who is part of our system and works hard sees the benefits. We literally get emails and replies telling us they would have left steem if not for our platform. You create FAKE accounts and post all over steem stolen content and want to remove destroy anyone who earns more than you because you can't blog well.. Maybe you should learn #FakeNews doesn't work anymore!

if im a scammer please show the BLOCKCHAIN stats proving this

thats how STEEM works to stop people spreading lies

ive shown some of my proof

have multiple proofs of stopping scammers in shadowbot and paying 100's of times more than i took

all you have is false accusations and slander based on nothing of any substance

You admit you have fake accounts and downvoted us, our team, and our members.. Your own admissions are enough proof we don't need to waste our time digging up TX proofs lol you admitted it all! But hey CNN believes their shit too #FakeNews.. Maybe you should apply for a job there? You would fit in great defaming and attempting to destroy those who actively try to help others! AGAIN.. You were asked to open a support ticket and HELP us get your issues resolved. You went on discord and talked shit and then down voted our members and created FUD posts claiming we are scammers.. Well what have you done for the Steem community? We have generated more wealth for our members than you even have in your accounts, all them, combined, including your fake accounts. RENT 10,000 SP? Awe you can't own 100,000 SP? So why do you talk down to @grandpawhale who makes ZERO posts and gives you more in 1 fractional vote than you could give in a month back to them??

You stop scammers in ShadowBot? How? By down voting those who actually provide more than they take to the community? Talking out your ass must be fun! IF you want to work with us just say so! We offered that since day one you had some made up issue with me and my team!

isacoin (62) in contest • 5 months ago
this user @suggeelson who is exploiting shadowbot with steem power delegated away has started posting plagiarized articles put through a spinbot

please fix your blacklist system and stop paying scammers

[-]shadowbot (60) · 5 months ago
Thank you so much we have just rolled out a critical update and punished this user and are working to find any others who may have abused us in this matter!

So we listened to you and others and adjusted a spammer/scammers account in our system.. Isn't that a GOOD thing and proves we ARE working to make a fair platform?? HMM.. And you want to act like we aren't adapting and evolving and listening to our GOOD members? Sorry you want to post low quality content that is mostly stolen from other places or just basically prices of coins and have fake accounts and down vote our members and go online and tell people not to trust us when this LITERALLY PROVES we are working hard to catch spammers and abusers and get rid of them and reward those that are good steemians! Thank you for bringing this up it just shows how we work hard to stop scams and low quality spammers from being able to leach off our members! You do our job for us! Keep calling us a scam publicly we will be sure to defend it. And watch as you keep trying to down vote those who are long term mini whales and dolphins in our system. They are NOT part of our team and will not tolerate you attempting to STEAL their hard earned rewards because you have an issue with us! Keep going #CNN #FakeNews it sure is fun debating you! Maybe we can do it live soon??

i only want what i earned if you want to refund the STEEM i paid for delegation that's fine and i will leave group and you'll never hear from me again

you can even minus all my post earnings on @oricaless

2018-08-18, 18:49oricalessminnowbooster7052.632STEEM4 oricaless 190
2018-08-18, 17:50oricalessminnowbooster708STEEM4 oricaless 250
2018-08-18, 17:48oricalessminnowbooster7045.455STEEM4 oricaless 220
2018-08-18, 17:42oricalessminnowbooster70102.564STEEM4 oricaless 195
2018-05-30, 15:39oricalessminnowbooster7030.952STEEM4 oricaless 168
2018-04-11, 01:02oricalessminnowbooster7020STEEM4 oricaless 140
2018-04-11, 00:56oricalessminnowbooster706STEEMrenew 7763
2018-04-11, 00:55oricalessminnowbooster700.562STEEMrenew 7789
2018-04-04, 16:15oricalessminnowbooster705.666STEEM4 oricaless 150
2018-04-04, 16:14oricalessminnowbooster700.562STEEMrenew 7789
2018-04-04, 16:14oricalessminnowbooster706STEEMrenew 7763
2018-03-28, 00:09oricalessminnowbooster700.562STEEMrenew 7789
2018-03-28, 00:09oricalessminnowbooster706STEEMrenew 7763
2018-03-01, 19:07oricalessminnowbooster702.247STEEM4 oricaless 100
2018-03-01, 18:48oricalessminnowbooster7024STEEM4 oricaless 100
2017-12-31, 00:23oricalessminnowbooster7018.99STEEM1 oricaless 75
2017-12-09, 18:27oricalessminnowbooster7015STEEM1 oricaless 170

Yeah you want free steem we all do but most of us have to earn and work for it. That is how the real world works. But hey you want socialism which we aren't.. We don't endorse a socialists idea we believe in FAIR treatment for all. BUY some SP or lease it LONG enough to earn your rank and stick with the platform like others have and watch how you grow. You just want to complain because you can't earn on steem and now are back at stage 1 here! Oh well! Maybe you should have stuck around like others did? We gave out a lot of rank increases the last 5 weeks which you got none of because you aren't a member and have fake accounts and no SP! YOU are just a leach at this point. Members who keep over thousands of SP for months in our platform watch their rank increase and their Pool Priority is very high. You could just power up 100,000 SP right now and start earning but instead you want to call us a scam and complain and spread FUD and lies through your network of fake accounts! FAKE ACCOUNTS! Just remember we detect that kind of behavior using your IP and other meta data ;)

all m,y account are real as in i own the SP

how many accounts in shadowbot are using @steem delegation and never post and only the top few accounts get voted on by

hm i wonder

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