
Yes this is an automated post that will be generated every night midnight eastern time zone! We include the tag "sb-ignore" which ensures these automated posts will NOT be added to shadowbot's voting queue.

That's badass! Would it work the same if regular users used it too? Not that they'd want to lol

Yes and there actually is legit reasons, if you want to just create a post and not have it "waste" the pool's allocation to that post. You can also use it to test organic posts to see how you do w/o shadowbot's assistance ;) using the tag "sb-ignore" will cause shadowbot to completely ignore that post.

Something I've been wondering a while: if I manually upvote another caster's post, does that count as a vote inside SB? Cause I've found that a lot of the folks I talk to on here have been casters from the trollbox that I still keep in touch with.

ShadowBot will detect that you made an upvote and if your vote is less than the amount they would get via the ShadowBot upvote it attempts to over-ride the vote. In general we advise not upvoting posts of other Casters manually. Comments we do not up vote automatically and thus are the best place to use your manual voting power.

I seeeee...

Another thing I thought of. I use @ginabot and she notifies me in discord whenever I upvote something. That got me to thinking: if the system votes for a post that the caster doesn't think deserves it, is there a way to reconcile that? I haven't seen it in my own, but I imagine it's a possible issue to some users as we scale and grow.

Not something we are concerned with at the moment, wait for shadow book and see where we are moving.

Right on. How's shadowbook coming along?

First: I think shadowbot should get rewarded for those statistics posts. They are useful and interesting (Especially the "Votes Cast Today", 20k Votes!). A growing shadowbot account will help the shadowbot pool and the whole cause, which would be quite neat to boost.

Second: I'm posting memes on Dmania and Co., DMania takes 25% of the revenue. That's okay, because I'm getting a plattform and an audience.
But it would be logical, based on that information, to use the tag "sb-ignore" to avoid getting upvotes there. This raises some questions on my side:
Would that mean that I'm getting more upvotes on other active posts, that don't have this tag? (For instance some posts directly on steemit without that 25% fee.)
What happens to the shadowbot rank? As far as I understand we are supposed to post daily and that this is beneficial to the shadowbot rank. But with ignoring posts there would only be two posts per week acknowledged by shadowbot.

Basically: What is better? Seven posts, five of them with 25% fees, per week or two posts, without any fee, per week?

Using "sb-ignore" makes it as if the post never existed to ShadowBot. It does not cause any negative effects. It simply tells ShadowBot to "ignore" the post all together.

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