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RE: Steemit Shadowbans Fulltimebot Net

in #shadowban5 years ago (edited)

I get the sentiment here, but this is a good thing. Something had to be done, and I think you're giving the complexity of this change and Steemit Inc too much credit. All they did was add a conditional check in Hivemind which references the open list here. The spam was a serious problem, something had to be done.

Steemit Inc isn't trying to silence people or make this a democracy-free platform, it's a specific solution to a specific problem.



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Ok sure, but why does Steemit feel the need to own the blogspace of the users?

Let the users moderate their own space. Obviously.

Because they own the servers obviously.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hard to take you seriously when you could literally use that argument to justify any argument regarding the platform.

It's more of a statement of facts than an argument.

Now you're going to double down on semantics?
The message stands alone.

If you want to play the semantics game then don't pair the words 'because', 'obviously' and 'fact' together.

why does Steemit feel the need to own the blogspace

Because they own the servers obviously.

You're implying that Steemit should do whatever they want with their servers because they own them. Your "statement of fact" is describing why Steemit Incorporated leadership believes they should own/moderate the content of the users.

All of this is irrelevant. It's downright foolish for Steemit to attempt to moderate the platform when there are thousands of people here willing to do the job for free. For a company that claims to value "proof-of-brain" Steemit Incorporated does a very poor job of actually implementing it.

" It's downright foolish for Steemit to attempt to moderate the platform when there are thousands of people here willing to do the job for free."

That's actually the least of the foolishness from my perspective. It's not that their taking on such a thankless task themselves and wasting a free resource that could do it, but that they're taking that power unto themselves, and withholding it from the actual account holders with affected blogs.

They're implementing censorship instead of decentralizing that authority to those whose access to information should be at their sole option.

That is not only foolish, it's the beginning of a slippery slope that leads to an onramp to the mass censorship we see ongoing across the breadth of the internet today - and what I came here specifically to avoid.

That is the height of foolishness IMHO. Fortunately, it's just the UX's that are doing this, and Steem itself remains relatively uncensored - so far.

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