Steemit Got Talent Season 2 Week #3: Introducing Bit & Mikey

in #sgt7 years ago (edited)

How to Draw a T-Rex

Drawing can be a very technical thing. I have been learning and refining my art over the years. Sometimes I feel that what I am doing is not enough. So, I start to take advice from my characters. Here are my two friends, Mikey and Bit. Mikey is a Velociraptor that has growth issues. He is pretty small for his species. Because of that, he has a friend, Bit to protect him from other Raptors that makes fun of his size.

Usually Bit is very gentle. He prefers to talk than to use violence. He only uses violence when he has no choice. In this case, whoever who laughs at Mikey deserve to have their heads ripped off.

Drawing Tutorial

I made this slightly interactive to get the most out of the tutorial. It is better to hear from the subjects what they personally think so that I can improve. Mikey can be annoying like a fly. Bit has a bit more reason in him. Okay, let's start the process...





We must always be prepared. The plot of the story sometimes changes midway when there is a slight disagreement between the cartoonist and his boss. So, the cartoonist may take very drastic step to do the unexpected. There are two reasons why this is done. Noone likes a boring predictable story, there must be an element of surprise. Secondly, it is to teach the subject some respect for their creator.


Partner In Crime

This is me with Mr @aurah,he taught me alot on how to color things mostly on the background part.Really honored to work with him!!
(@rambai (left)& @aurah)


abang ram pawer..tak terkejor..

hmpeh je mampu dan

thanks man!!'re so kind!! :)

Caiyo Baiyo!... Gdluck!

tq bro..mencoba

Hahaha...good one masta @rambai. .siot jerk, ada unsur saspen disitu... ^^

haha tq zam..idea lama yg diperbaharui

Steady bro..good luck! 100% support here (^0^)/

ok cun..sama2 tlg menolong haha

pehh!! top...👍


This one made my day (lol at the Trex name). I will remember how you used the shadow on Bittrex's head as it got bigger and bigger creating anticipation of a falling object. Very well done. Do you two publish a comic together?

we use too..last two years..but the slow market got us!!..anyway thanks for the acknowledgement @thunderbirdcomic your cartoon is unique!!..keep the juice flowing

The whale shows no remorse XD

yup..cruel world haha

Caiyo Baiyo...


hahahahaha...what a nice job!! It made me laugh a lot XD Very creative!! Thanks for sharing...Wish you the best in the contest...

thanks @milalvis honored to make you laugh :)...cheers!!

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