My Judges Top 5 Selections For Week 20 of SGL!

in #sgl5 years ago

Hello and welcome to week 20 of SGL and I have to say we have just been getting some absolutely fantastic entries of late, you guys are just smashing it out of the park and making my choosing process a little on the difficult side of things.

I of course am running late, it now seems like a constant state of being. So I am just going to jump straight into things and hopefully get this post out fast, so I can get onto the main SGL post.

So without further delays here is my judges top 5 selection for week 20 of SGL!

First Place:

@minuetoacademy - Sonic Groove Live - Week 20 | Pescador de Hombres (Original Song) by @minuetoacademy

This piece of music was just so immensely captivating for the instant you started playing, you had me hooked and the emotion it provokes is just so compelling - I absolutely adore this composition, you have created such an amazing and complete sound, feeling and movement.

I especially love the transition into the higher notes adding this almost angelic feel to the piece, there is just so much sweetness and warmth to this music - it's hard not to get swept away by it.

I was moved by the power of this piece of music you have created, what an absolute masterpiece - it just makes the listener feel from the moment you begin, it's truly incredible to hear and behold.

I have been loving you music for longer than I can remember, this week was no different with you creating such a sublimely stunning piece of music and sharing it with us - I cannot wait to hear and see more!

Second Place:

@danaidhbee - Sonic Groove Live #20 - The Bramble Bush - A Danaidhbee Original

For a second entry this is truly incredible, you have absolutely captured our attention and hearts with these amazing compositions - I can safely say I am becoming a big fan of not only your music but how you perform them as well.

You have an amazing ability on the guitar, it is like an extension of your body and everything seems to come so naturally - this was just such a compelling and energetic performance, I was transfixed from the instant you started until the very end.

I have to also mention your vocals, you have a stunning relaxed natural tone - with so much power behind it, I love your individual style of music but I do have to say I am curious exactly what you can do with your voice.

This was just an amazing performance and you have really made a brilliant first impression, I am expecting big things from you - I really look forward to keep hearing more from you in the future, but absolutely fantastic performance and entry!

Third Place:

@origen1618 - Sonic Groove Live Week #20 "Lo Saben Mis Zapatos" - Cover -

I'm a sucker for really beautiful vocals and my friend you always deliver such stunning vocal displays, it's impossible for me not to be completely blown away when I hear something so stunning.

You have a lovely clear tone, your mixing is perfection - the music as background but I can hear you perfectly above your accompaniment, it's just so amazing to hear and feel.

There is just so much emotion in your vocals, it's really hard not to get completely taken away by a piece of music like this when performed so well - it really is just completely captivating and breathtaking to behold.

I just couldn't get enough of this performance, just absolutely stunning on every single level - I always want to hear more, so keep up the fantastic work!

Fourth Place:

@exoelias - Sonic Groove Live · Week 20 · Cover Algo distinto / Something different by @Exoelias

Hell yeah, from the instant this started I new I was going to love it and that I did! What an amazing performance, just so entertaining and energetic - I couldn't help but bop along with you as you played.

As always your playing is just spot on, you create such a full and intense sound with just the guitar - I love that stripped back to its bare bones and still so full and varied.

But as always it's your vocals that stole the show for me, you just have an incredible voice and better yet you know exactly how to use it - with amazing precision and control, its honestly fantastic to see and hear!

Fifth Place:

@eugelys - Sonic Groove Live | Week #20 | Million reasons (Cover) by Eugelys

Firstly I have to say I'm so sorry to hear uploading has been causing you so many issues, I know it's been an issue for a few of our judges of late as well - with poor or not internet connection, but I have to say I am so happy you still go to the extra effort to still participate.

I love your performances and your exquisite vocals, I would be sad if you could no longer participate especially for the reasons you mention - I am stoked to hear that the platform has helped you overcome some stage fright issues, it is so intimidating recording yourself so I feel you there.

But then I hear you sing and I just get blown away each time, I am not too fussy on recording quality - I try my best to filter out any technical issues people might be having for me, it's about the raw performances without all the frills that can really showcase an amazing musician.

You have an incredible voice, incredible range and control, you create amazing vocal runs that are just breathtaking and I can't get enough!

I absolutely adore you and your music, you have incredible talent and I am so honoured you keep pushing yourself to enter in spite of the hurdles you keep facing - much love and I truly hope you get electricity and internet back soon <3

What an incredible week this was and truly so many amazing performances, it was hard to come up with my final selections and I really wish I had this out earlier so I could include some honourable mentions - this week was a perfect week for extra mentions, so I hope I can get things under control for next week and include some extra quick reviews!

A massive thanks to the entire family of SGL that's all our amazing entrants and to our kick ass team, until next week keep groovin!


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