My Judges Top 5 Selections For Week 14 of SGL!

in #sgl5 years ago

Hey everyone, hope things are going well for you all. I have been failing at life of late, that includes posting the opening of this weeks contest a day early.... This was not intentional, suffering from complete exhaustion I actually thought it was time to open for submissions. Nope just me making everyone's life a little more confusing, at the end of the day it was open a day early this wasn't planned and hopefully wont happen again.

I do apologise for any confusion this may have caused, please just know it was just me being me again. I hope things will be easier in coming weeks, but of course as things get busy I have gotten sick.

So again I wont be doing a massive post, I need to get some rest while I can. But I will try and get this out as soon as I can, this will mean shorter reviews again so I'm sorry <3

Anyways as I do want to talk about some amazing music, here is my judges top 5 selection for week 14 of SGL!

First Place:

@exoelias - Sonic Groove Live · Week 14 · Cover "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by @Exoelias

Firstly I love this song so much and it has been way too long since I heard it, I was wailing it out along with you the whole time. You just have such a clear and pristine voice, it cuts through with such clarity it really is amazing.

You again have kicked some serious ass, it's hard not to place you every single week. You really have been smashing it out of the park with every entry, this one is no exception and you managed to take me back to my younger days.

Your playing is as always utter perfection, in addition to the sublime vocal quality you display throughout. I just adore your voice, I simply cannot get enough of it and I really cannot wait to see what you create for us next week <3

Second Place:

@barski - Sonic Groove Live Week 14 - cover - Our Father's - Peter Barski

Again sorry about the crazy start of the week, please know it wasn't intentional and I will try to stick to the correct days (as long as I can remember them lol). Now I do have to say I had no idea this song was inspired by a hymn, but in hearing this rendition I must say it is so clearly in there in bits.

It was great in learning that, but also hearing such a unique sound that was also so eerily familiar. It's funny I can actually hear a couple of different songs in this tune, maybe its responsible for inspiring more then just the game of thrones tune.

As always Peter your work is impeccable on every single level, you are a master musician and your skills leave me a little gobsmacked most of the time. This is not exception, you absolutely smashed this performance and I have found yet another amazing song thanks to you!

Third Place:

@esthersanchez - Sonic Groove live week 14/ Wake me up Avicii cover

I am really enjoying your interpretations of late, this was just such an amazing song and I love that you tell people to focus on the lyrics. It is just such an amazingly powerful song he has a few that I just can't get enough of, this is definitely one of them.

I really like how you changed the arrangement, taking it down a notch - slowing it down really allows the listener to focus on the lyric, making it an even more powerful version of the song in my opinion.

This is an absolutely heartbreaking song given the situation,I hope this song goes at as a lesson and warning to all that hear it - life is precious and not to take it for granted, also to read between the lines to see the truth of where people we care about truly are in life.

Just a lovely performance and beautiful rendition, I just adored every moment and couldn't help but sing along with you... just stunning <3

Fourth Place:

@davidsuarezms - Sonic Groove Live Week 14 - "La Vida Cuesta" (Cover) by @davidsuarezms

Well I have to say I am very pleasantly surprised to hear you singing and I must say I will be expecting more in the future! Lol all jokes aside this was really a kick ass performance, but I will say I can see you feel a little reserved at times.

I think this is purely a lack of confidence (which really isn't warranted), you are so certain when playing the guitar - but I think you feel outside of your comfort zone when singing, but I know in time with practice your singing will feel like it does when you play.

You have a very nice voice, you display a decent range in this performance, you definitely have power behind it as well - one thing I would like to suggest that might help you a little in moments of strain, not strain as in you have to push or anything. No I think what you doing is something all singers do, especially in moments they find hard or that require more exhertion to be pronounced - that is they tense their throat, this is a singers worst enemy.

It feels like that's the logical thing to do, tensing muscles will support the note right... well no not really, sure you might be able to hit the note - but it will be locking everything else in place too, so while you might feel your more secure in that moment it sets things up to go wrong.

Your muscles tense and lock and then you struggle to flow freely note to note, what I would suggest and it's much easier said then done - would be to force your throat to relax, trust you will hit the note and things will just flow on so naturally for you. It will feel better and allow you to take on more complex vocal gymnastics, by preventing you from locking up when you try more intense vocals.

But that is just some advice because I want you to feel more comfortable in singing for us and please know I really enjoyed that performance. I cannot wait to hear more, hopefully even some more singing <3

Fifth Place:

@orlandogonzalez - Sonic Groove live week 14 / Desconfío Norberto Napolitano cover @orlandogonzalez

Your playing is always perfection, but this time you just took your vocals to a whole new level for me. I have always adored your beautiful tonality, it's stunning - but this song just enhances the focus even more, onto your stunning vocals.

You really have an incredible voice and again your playing is really incredible, I just can't get enough of this and have been listening to it on repeat for days now.

There is a warmth and clarity to your smooth toned vocals, it just captivates the listener and how can it not. Just absolutely breathtakingly beautiful, I am loving your entries of late and this is no exception - hope to hear more and soon!

There you have it guys, another amazing week of music. I love what I get to do each and every week here, not only do I get to hear amazing music - but I also get to hear songs I haven't thought of in years, plus introduced to new ones I never would have known otherwise.

It is a gift and an honour and I can't thank each and everyone of our entrants, without you none of this would be possible. So a massive thank you to you all <3

Also a huge thanks to the amazing SGL team @isaria, @joseacabrerav, @zipporah, @pechichemena and @ausbitbank. You guys are the other big piece of this puzzle, so big thanks for all you do too!

Alright well that's it from me, until next week keep grooven!


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Something similar had never happened to me before. I never thought that a presentation of mine could convey so much to the point of making someone cry. These very special words make me cry, seriously, I am pleasantly surprised. You know that I am a big fan of how you write and this week you broke me. I hope you get better

Oh God! You did it again! Last night I was talking to my husband and I was telling him that one of the things I like to do on steemit is to read your comments and observations in the different presentations of the fellow participants, as much as I read what you do to me. It is really cause for joy when you feel that your work is valued in that way in which you make your assessments. It is comforting and from what I see it is not only me who causes that impression. God bless your life. Thank you for believing in us!! Much love!!

Thank you for your valuable support and for following our musical work closely.

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