Are You Demisexual?

in #sexuality6 years ago

by Aletheia Luna via Loner Wolf

“Sexuality is one of the ways that we become enlightened, because it leads us to self-knowledge“. ~ Alice Walker

Asexuality, heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, lesbianism … I’m sure you’ve heard of them all at some time or another in your life. But the other day I stumbled across a sexual orientation I’m sure you haven’t heard much of before – the mysterious and puzzling demisexuality. Even as I write this word it’s underlined with a red squiggly line, which shows that it hasn’t even been added to the dictionary yet.

Once I began researching this intriguing breed of sexuality I realized instantly that it was something I should write about. Why? Because I’ve gone through a lot of confusion surrounding my sexual identity in the past, and I’ve learned of the importance of discovering who you are in order to feel comfortable in your own skin.

If you’re unsure about your sexuality, have a read. You may just discover something new and surprising about yourself!
Demisexuality: Still Waters Run Deep
Demisexuality can be located between the asexual and sexual spectrum of human sexuality. This means that the demisexual normally does not experience any feelings of sexual attraction, unless they are first deeply and emotionally connected with someone.

The demisexual is often said to experience no primary attraction towards anyone, which means no attraction towards the immediate outer qualities of a person such as appearance, style or personality. However, the demisexual differs from the asexual in that they experience secondary attraction, which comes as a result of first establishing a deep degree of connection.

As one demisexual put it, the demisexual is: "a person who does not experience sexual attraction based on physical characteristics, but may develop sexual attractions based on an emotional or mental connection."

Olivia Davis, another demisexual also commented that:
"demisexuality is about desire and arousal, not just sex and who you do it with. It’s not merely that I’m only interested in having sex with people that I love, it’s also that I feel a complete absence of desire or sexual feelings toward everyone else. Ever. What makes me demisexual is that absence."

The demisexual may also find that forming romantic or sexual relationships can be confusing, difficult and exasperating. This is because they often come across as being just “friends” at first, but can later move on to feelings of intense sexual attraction. As demisexual Olivia Davis goes on to explain:
"being demisexual amongst people … can be tricky. It can be hard to figure out exactly what and where your differences are and how to deal with them as they arise."
Do you identify with Demisexuality? Join our Facebook Demisexual group.

What Is Your Sexuality?
OK, I know it’s a bit of a personal question, but if after reading this article you’ve discovered that demisexuality describes you perfectly, I’d love to hear your stories below in the comments section! Also, you can take our Demisexual Test!

Image Credit: elwynn / 123RF Stock Photo


Fascinating! I’d not heard of that term. And I LOVE the Alice walker quote. How perfect...I just wrote a post that goes along with it.

Can one be demisexual and not asexual? For example I’m not asexual, but have experienced a strong sexual attraction for someone as we developed an emotionally intense connection. It was never their physicality that attracted me but their energetic body.

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