Online Sextortion a Growing ProblemsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #sextortion8 years ago

With the rise of the internet in the past two decades, lawmakers are slow to catch up to the shifting methodologies that criminals use. Once such area, is that of exploitative sexual blackmail, like sexting being used against naive girls, or online sextortion, where people coerce, extort or blackmail a woman into more sexual favors.



This has been known in the realms of politics, media, Hollywood, and business to get ahead or stay in place. But now it has moved to online hacking of photos to blackmail women into doing things they don't want to.

One such pervert, is Ryan Vallee, 22, of New Hampshire.

This guy has been hacking and extorting sexual blackmail from women since he was a teenager doing it to girls in his high school. He would hack their computers, and take their persona photos, then threaten to post them on Facebook for everyone to see, unless the girls did what he said, like expose themselves and send him the pictures.



Instead of blackmail for money, it's blackmail for sexual favors, and not currently listed as a criminal act. Two US congresswomen, Katherine Clark and Susan Brooks, are trying to change that with the Interstate Sextortion Prevention Act.

Predators are increasing their focus to target minors, as we now are plenty aware with the recent pizzagate and fakenews fiasco that the media is scrambling to smother and hide away in a dark corner for everyone to forget.

Young children are more protected under child pron laws, compared to teenagers. By targeting older kids with the same practices, they can get off with lighter sentences if they get caught. With he boom of internet connectivity across the globe, you don't even have to be in the same town, let alone the same country, to be victimized by an online predator.

According to Sacramento County Sheriff's Department, Christie Hirota, the rise in sextortion in her area has gone up by 50% since she joined a task force to combat crimes against children in 2012. That's a lot in 4 years.



Predators groom their victims to gain their trust. Young girls, and boys too, are vulnerable psychologically at that age, and can more easily be manipulated, but this is still a factor for older children and teenagers. The threat of having something private exposed can have many people do anything to prevent it. Young people can end p caught in a virtual sex slavery, continually sending naked pictures to someone in fear that they can expose you at any time if you don't keep doing it.

Another sicko, Philip, Caputo, 37, did that to a 13 year old girl in San Antonio, Yexas. They ended up finding 1,600 sexual photos of minors. Caputo received 15 years for pelading guilty to sexual exploitation and child pornography.

Vallee is expected to get 4-8 years behind bars this January.

The laws are now changing to deal with this vile behavior. When Vallee's case was first brought to the federal and local authorities, they said there was nothing they could do since a law didn't exist to apply. That's how fucking blind we are as a society. Robotic automatons who can't think for themselves about right and wrong. Every has to be followed according to a rule book that tell you what's wrong even if its right, and what's right even if it's wrong.

Apparently, all we are expected to do is obey the law... like good litlel slaves... LOL



Is it any wonder we can't discern truth from falsity, right from wrong, moral from immoral, give then society we have created to structure us into unthinking conformists to the social norms we have no say in?

And is it further any wonder why we have people who become criminals by doing immoral things, given we can't really deeply think for ourselves and are prevented from discerning right from wrong, forced to conform to falsity in many cases?

Why does pizzagate exist at all? Why are people doing these things? Why are the rest of us, in society at large, not even aware of what is going on?

It seems to me, that overall, we don't care about truth enough, and more specifically, about moral truth. And that is why most of my own original work, focuses and revolved around moral truth and getting this knowledge understand, as well as valuing and weighing it as highly important in life. That is how we can properly change the quality and condition of our lives and the lives of others to end all this sick perverted pleasure-gone-awry immoral behavior.

Pizzagate is one aspect of how society looks the other way instead of dealing with uncomfortable issues. It's negative, and people don't want to deal with the negative too much, especially this dark. Pleasure driving people's behavior can go to the extreme of pedophilia, whether it's pizzagate or not. Pleasure should not be the focus in our lives. It's something that happens. The focus on pleasure and what I call the "pleasure trap" is a much deeper issue in society at large, and it keeps us from evolving our consciousness to better ourselves personally and the rest of humanity as a whole.

[References: 1, 2, 3]

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2016-12-03, 12:28pm


One problem, particularly among "educated" people, is that they are taught that terms like "good" and "truth" are subjective. I read a post a day or so ago on here that argued that we can never really know what is good...I call BULLSHIT! I'm with you brother. It's time people got their collective heads out of their asses and say "enough is enough!"

Haha, yeah, a lot of solipsism and hyper-polarized doubt. My recent post today also dealt with that "post-truth" new word of post-modernist thinking...

I read it and upvoted!

Wow, when xeldal/enki don't vote, I lose a boat-load of their curation-trail it seems LOL. Without them, I'm at 1/2 the amount of upvotes I normally get. :\

Well, you got one from me!

Thanks ;) hehe

A large percentage comes from social media... Hmmm...

The laws are now changing to deal with this vile behavior. When Vallee's case was first brought to the federal and local authorities, they said there was nothing they could do since a law didn't exist to apply.

So ridiculous. That's very political considering cops/lawyers can ALWAYS find some law which to charge someone with. Sexual issues like that have always been reacted to with dismissiveness at first.