7 Things You Shouldn’t Do Before Making Love With Your Partner


Before you make love to your partner, be you a man or a woman, there are certain things that you should avoid doing because of the negative effect it might have on both parties. It should always bear in mind that some certain pre-intercourse habits and mistakes may leave you and your partner in a state of regret.

Thus, this article contains seven such habits that you shouldn’t do before making love with your partner. Check them out below;

  1. Don’t Take An Antihistamine.

Feeling stuffy? You may want to hold off on taking cough and cold meds if you’re planning to get busy later. While antihistamines help dry up runny noses, that’s not the only thing that’s going to dry up. Women may notice that their vaginas are less lubricated, too, since these drugs cause mucous membranes to dry up all over the body.

  1. Avoid Shaving or waxing before lovemaking.


Due to the belief that the pubic hair could breed an unpleasant smell and because some people do find it disgusting, people tend to shave or use wax to remove the hair in that region. But since being ‘clean’ in that region is seen as a good hygienic practice, experts have advised that it is advisable not to shave before making love, simply because shaving or waxing tends to open up the small pores in the skin and while the sexual activity is ongoing, body contact could lead to infection, or rashes, which could multiply in little time because the place is usually warm and so germs and bacteria could multiply there quickly.

  1. Don’t Eat Super Spicy Foods Or A Meal High In Fat.


If you’re planning to make love, tone it down on the hot sauce. Spicy foods like curry and peppers can trigger symptoms of acid reflux, including heartburn, a burning sensation in the throat; this may make it difficult to get in the mood. And if your body is sensitive to fiery foods, you may not be able to hold in farts or burps.

  1. Don't use a lubricant that includes menthol.


Perimenopausal and menopausal women commonly experience a thinning of the vaginal tissue, which leads to sensitivity, Iglesia says. Stimulating lubricants often include menthol, which can be irritating. Especially for women around the age of menopause, Iglesia suggests water-based lubricants without menthol to avoid an uncomfortable evening.

  1. Empty Your Bladder.


During lovemaking, bacteria can get into your urethra, the tube that carries urine out of your body. That can raise your chances of an infection. When you pee, you flush those germs out. So enjoy some cuddle time with your partner, then head to the bathroom. If you're a woman, when you wipe, do it from front to back to stop the spread of bacteria.

  1. Avoid smoking.

Apart from the negative effect smoking has on the heart, it turns out that it also affects people’s sexual performance. It could reduce libido as it lowers testosterone (s€x hormone) levels, hence, people are advised not to smoke before lovemaking.

source: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.sharecare.com/relationships/things-never-before-after-sex&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjXlM6T_Oz1AhVYuKQKHXs8BdkQFnoECAAQAg&usg=AOvVaw3ZUhMNVTAZ2DqqlmT4rdNn

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