Reasons Why You Should Urinate After Making Love


Is it truly necessary to pee after intimacy? Very much so! No one wants to get out of bed after Intimacy, but you can't endanger your health for the sake of a few intimate moments in bed with your lover. It's especially crucial for women because their urethras are shorter, allowing bacteria to get up there more quickly. Although you may not develop an infection immediately after intimacy but to be on a safer side, you should always Urinate after intimacy.

According to an article by Elizabeth Boskey on website, shared a common piece of advice among women emphasizing that they should urinate (pee) after intercourse to reduce the risk of a urinary tract infection (UTI). As with many commonly shared words of wisdom, there are some facts to support the claim, although they are not necessarily clear-cut or definitive.

This article on looks at whether urinating after intercourse has any benefit in reducing the risk of contracting deadly diseases.

Below are certain reasons why you should Urinate after love making.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the infection that is contracted through intercourse.

One of the main reasons is that sexual intercourse can put pressure on the urethra so it is advisable to urinate. Not urinating can increase the likelihood of infection and diseases.

Secondly, why you should urinate immediately after intercourse is because it makes you feel free and relaxed.

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