RE: Consensual sex and alcohol consumption.
Good point @honeybee,
Where I'm from, society sees it as acceptable for young men–especially those in universities to drink as much as they can hold and then some,
while women who drink are frowned upon and automatically termed loose and down for sex by implication. It's not cool, a girl can't enjoy a drink or drinks without some drunk rando who is clearly incapable of obtaining consent, looking for a quick one.
The double standard is quite glaring.
I concur that females and males in colleges–and out of it,should be conscious of how much alcohol they take because it can blur their reasoning and defeat consent.
For what it's worth, alcohol is banned altogether on campus in my school, so there are no wild parties here. It's pretty quiet bordering on boring. The only problem arises when they take the parties outside school. It becomes every man for himself.