11 Things You Probably Didn't Learn In Sex Ed, But Should Have, According To Reddit

in #sex7 years ago (edited)

1Most Women Don't Orgasm From Penetration Alone

Although some of the more unrealistic porn out there might have led you to believe that all women can reach orgasm after just a couple minutes of jackhammer-like penetration, the truth is that in order for most women to get off, they need clitoral stimulation, too.

In fact, a 2017 study by Debby Herbenick at Indiana University found that only 18.6 percent of women said penetration was enough to reach orgasm — so don't forget the clit.

2Peeing After Sex Can Help Prevent UTIs

One pro tip they should absolutely teach in sex ed? The importance of peeing after sex to prevent UTIs or other infections. Urination is a way for your body to fight back against any potential bacteria and flush them out of your system — and even though women are more prone to UTIs than men, everyone should pee after sex, just to be safe.

3It's OK If You Need To Use Lube

Honestly, I'm not sure I ever heard the word "lube" used during my sex ed classes... and that's a serious problem. Although vaginas are self-lubricating, it's normal (and not at all anything to be ashamed of) to need a little extra help in the lubrication department.

4There's More Than One Kind Of Birth Control

In order for young women to be able to choose the best birth control method for their bodies, they first have to be aware of all the different options that exist, from IUDs to oral contraceptives to arm implants.

5Foreplay Is A Very Important Part Of Good Sex

One thing that isn't touched on nearly enough in sex ed (and especially in abstinence-only environments), is the fact that the act of sex isn't comprised solely of penetrative sex: foreplay is an extremely important part of sex that shouldn't be overlooked or rushed through, because it helps both partners get primed for what's next.

6The Basics Of Safe Anal Toy Play

Honestly, I can't recall ever discussing how to have anal sex in my high school sex ed classes — let alone talking about how to safely use sex toys for anal pleasure. The number one rule? No double dipping! If a toy has been in a butt, it shouldn't go into a vagina (or any orifice) afterwards, even if it's been cleaned.

7Sex Should Be About Mutual Pleasure

Something that all young adults could stand to learn as they begin to explore their sexuality? Sex should always be about mutual pleasure, not just one person's, and you shouldn't be afraid to speak up if something is not working for you in bed.

8Vaginas Don't Change Size/Shape Depending On How Many Partners You've Had

I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone joke about a woman's vagina being "loose" because of how many partners she's had — and that's one harmful sexual myth that needs to go. In reality, the vagina is a muscle, and only vaginal trauma (most commonly, childbirth) can actually "stretch" the vagina; it doesn't happen simply because someone has lots of sex.

9What Safe Sex Looks Like For LGBTQ Individuals

In a lot of sex ed classrooms, the word "sex" is used primarily as a way to describe penis-in-vagina sex between a heterosexual man and woman — and as a result, there's not nearly enough focus on what "sex" means for LBGTQ youth, let alone how to do it safely. Sex ed classes would do better to cover safe sex in a way that pertains to all gender identities and sexual orientations, instead of being heteronormative only.

10Consent Can Be Given Or Withdrawn At Any Time

In recent years, the conversation surrounding consent has been growing louder and louder, and more people than ever are aware of the importance of enthusiastic, verbal consent. Even still, there's one aspect of consent that needs even more exposure: the idea that consent can be given or withdrawn at any time. If someone says "yes" to one thing, that doesn't automatically carry over to anything else — so it's important to ask for consent every step of the way.

11Mainstream Porn Sex Isn't An Accurate Representation Of Real Sex

While there's plenty of feminist porn out there that does a better job of realistically portraying female pleasure, that doesn't mean that both women's and men's perceptions of sex aren't still influenced in part by what they've see in mainstream porn. It's important to teach young folks that porn is not necessarily an accurate portrayal of real sex (and that it's OK to speak up in bed if something isn't bringing you sexual pleasure).

The good news? Becoming informed about any given sexual topic is as easy as doing a little research and if we all take the time to educate ourselves — and then share that information with the young people in our lives — we're one step closer to a world where everyone can have a safe, happy, healthy sex life, regardless of the quality of their formal sex education.


Great post! Very very very good lessons for people to learn that I wish were taught in sex ed!

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