A day in the Life of a Man

in #sex7 years ago



“Let's Deal with Reality”

For the last 30 years, American men have been the subjects of hate, cruelty, and misuse (putting it mildly) by the women in their lives.

Some of us (59-years old, to be exact) actually fled the States years ago.
We could no longer take the abuse of Yankee-women.

Younger men - men in their teens and twenties (and even up to their thirties) are giving up on women in the United States completely.
How is this possible?
Did they go gay?
They throw themselves into sports, into video games, into anything that will take their minds OFF of women.
Fighting their natural drives and urges, because they know that – in the USA – men are nothing but punching bags, open wallets, slaves – in a word: “targets.”

In fact, men in the States have - for decades now - come up with new ways to deal with the "woman-problem."

Those men who have the ability to spend a few weeks (or months) outside of the USA, go on travel to Asia or South America, and once there?
They rent local girls to service them.
Cash on the table, and these men buy everything they want from the women there (who are still women).
Men who spend cash on women overseas actually get “value for their dollar.”

For men who do not have that kind of available cash, have been more creative.
Some men learn that women will do anything for cocaine.
And so?
Men become drug-dealers just to have time with beautiful women.

One guy I knew (a real ugly guy - inside and out) set himself up as a bartender, and made it know he was holding.
At the end of every night, he had a long line of beautiful models, and want-to-be actresses sitting at his bar, waiting to go home with him.
And for one line of coke?
He could have any, or as many of these girls as he wanted.

Another fellow I knew was an IT guy.
He worked his low-income, dead-end job five days a week, and saved his cash for months and months.

What he would do then was to rent a Ferrari at the local car rental (in Beverly Hills, of course), rent himself a room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, and - wearing his best suit - he would drive around Beverly Hills, with the top of the car down.

Within half an hour, a random beautiful girl would leap into his car, he would take her back to his hotel room, do anything he wanted to her all weekend, and then?

Back to his nickel-and-dime IT job on Monday.
And start all over again in a few months, with another random girl.

There is a much better option.
At www.sexdollbordello.com we sell live-sized sex dolls.

Before you get turned off - think about it.

Some of these sex dolls are so REAL looking (and feeling) you would not - in the middle of the cold and only night- know that they were NOT real girls.

Some of these live sized sex dolls come with built-in heaters - she is warm to the touch - everywhere.
Some of these sex doll beauties come with built in sound generators, so when you are on top of her?
She moans.
When you are slamming up into her, she screams.

For under two thousand dollars, you can have a really beautiful girl who will always be there for you.
A girl who will never steal your money, never treat you like garbage, never complain about your car (or even steal your car), and who will never step out on you.

Think about it.
How much did you have to spend (of your own, hard earned cash) just to get to first base with a girl - a girl who was really ugly - a girl that you are only hitting on because (let's face it) she is the best you can do.

Time to change your thinking.

Time to think about yourself.

Because - let's face it - no girl is going to think twice about you.7.jpg23.jpg


Probably want to tag this nsfw before it gets flagged, just letting you know.

Also, no wonder anyone with this attitude needs to fuck a doll. lol

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