
which is why prostitution is illegal. wait...that makes No sense... (oh yeh...our laws make no sense).

hahaha I do not need a place of prostitution , simply with the body of my wife

Lol this reminded me of my time back in Melbourne as a student. That book by Neil Strauss - "The Game" was released back then and every guy in the city became pick-up wannabes, including my playful self back then. I no longer think about it, not even shy or anything around people, but I think I've absorbed and brought forward that mental state to my current self - at least the fundamentals of the "teachings". But I'd say it depends though, I'm not the most manly kind of man around my better half.. and no longer as self-conscious as I was back then, or at least I don't find a need to project alphaness. However, I'm totally unhindered when it comes to sexytime. Experimental :P

But great surge of nostalgia thinking about those PUA times lol. That was the time I've gained a great insight: learn to unlearn and unlearn stuff to learn. Thanks for bringing this up :)

good work. seems like you put a lot of work in. keep it up.

I've had not many experience in sex, but when I do, I make sure she enjoyes it at the max, and from what I heard, she was always satisfied. This post reminded me how happy I should be because I'm good at something.

Tiring of men bashing at this point. Not sexy. Not future relating. Done with shock journalism.

you mean you used to engage in men bashing? definitely might wanna quit if interesting in attracting a good man! ;-)

ME? NO. I never did. I'm talking about other people bashing men.

ha ha, cool. :-)

there will always be some bashing men, some bashing women, some bashing politicians, celebrities, etc, etc. many never make it out of the crabbuckit.

thankfully, we each have the choice of focus. and frankly, I think one of the beautiful things about this Steemit cyberspace is that it's somehow conducive to higher standards. places like Facebook, people have lost all sense of control, allowing themselves to bash as though its the cool thing to do. while there's no censorship here, it's a different set of conditions - and incentivization structures in place establish a framework within which valuable virtue can thrive. we can all become journalists - and eventually, people coming here will clue in that the aggressive, shock habits that have become the norm elsewhere aren't acceptable here - and if they choose to stick around, will likely be brought up by the positive influence of those presenting their journalistic views from a higher integrity...

I'm so glad I read this!

"be a fucking man - and fuck your woman like she's never been fucked before. Serve the annihilation of all her stresses, fears, worries, and daily concerns through madly jackhammering your way to her core, breaking down all her walls and infusing her with an infinite source of passion"


I was on a date with a really nice guy last night. We talked a lot about relationships then the conversation turned to sex. I'm not shy and & I see potential with this guy so I challenged him a little seeing how he would react. I just said I realize I was bored in my last serious relationship because I have discovered I'm light years kinkier than he ever was let alone being fucked hard! (which I never got either.) NEVER AGAIN! :) But, he took it all right...ha ha ha. We went grocery shopping at Trader Joe's after...we'll see :) But, I need the whole package & I'm not settling!

ha ha! props for not settling. if he's a nice guy, you may have to take a certain intiative and be a bit more forward than usual - which may not be a woman's ideal - but if he rises to the challenge, it could surely be worth it... :-)

He's not the only candidate either :)

Anyone finding what @rok-sivante is writing as a bit on the controversial side might find that much of what is taught in popular media in western society is enough to divide otherwise good people by nothing more than social constructions that result in the evitable anger - otherwise understood as cognitive dissonance. Bliss (1997) and the superb performace by Terence Stamp as the teacher for those who've had no success from the best marriage counselors, brought this tricky to understand concept to the mainstream (although so few ever saw it) with superb tact.

Here's a quick reference to @artific 's simple outline of Cognitive Dissonance as a pre-cursor in the event Bliss raises some anger!