My Alma Mater ( Tennessee) is having "Sex Week" This Week... One Class is "Sucking D and Licking P" ( WTH ??)

in #sex6 years ago

sex week UT.jpeg

Listen Iam open minded as much as the next person but is my University going a little too far?? Just look at some of those work shops above.

The TN. Alt Right Conservatives are Losing their Minds over this ....

They cannot believe a State University is allocating tax dollars for this. But actually it is coming out of the students' own pockets when they paid tuition at the beginning of the school year. Still , they are furious over this at it is just another indication the those horrible left leaning liberals are taking over the World with their nasty behavior lol

Here is a animation on a Tennessee Conservative Website as a rebuttal to 'Sex week' . And this is the way they view our World and how it's such a spiral downward in Morality . ( Sorry kind of humerus if you ask me lol)



I won't be attending my Alma Mater this coming up week ( I live in Texas anyway) But I think the really funny thing is if the Alt. Right would just ignore it and not make such HUGE waves about their issue with thie "Sex Week" then they would probably not get the covereage they are getting.
I mean come on folks, everyone knows College Campuses in the US have "Sex Week" every week. You don't need formal classes for that ;)




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