What happened when the King of England Charles II visited a brothel but didn't have any money...

in #sex7 years ago (edited)


Earl of Rochester [John Wilmot] tricked Charles [King Charles II] into visiting a whorehouse in Hosier Lane, arranging for the king to have his pockets picked while he was enjoying himself with the girls.

Charles II.jpg

Rochester departed, leaving Charles to discover that he was penniless.

When Charles asked the bawd for credit, she understandably refused.


So the king pulled a ring off his finger and told her to send for a jeweller and have it valued.

She accepted it reluctantly, but when the jeweller arrived and examined the ring he gasped that there was only one man in England who could afford this ring, and that was the king himself!


The jeweller and the bawd fell to their knees, trembling with fear.

After all, they could have faced the death penalty for treason.

But Charles retained his good humour, and left, although history does not relate what he said to the Earl of Rochester [...] when he eventually got home.

'City of Sin: London and Its Vices' by Catharine Arnold https://www.amazon.com/dp/1847373518/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_sb1lAbB4CVVAW

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