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RE: Call For a Ban On Child Sex Robots

in #sex7 years ago (edited)

I upvoted you for the simple reason that you touched this hot potato. Also for stimulating a debate from an unpopular standpoint. That is commendable.

In thinking this matter over, I've a few things to say.

First and foremost - there is nothing obscene about the human body - whether adult or child. This is a statement made independently of any context of sexualization.

As such, on a level of 'being', there is nothing obscene about a robot or a virtual character in the form of a child.

Secondly (and I think that most readers would agree), I consider it far preferable to explore actions upon virtual proxies (robot or virtual character) that would be deplorable if explored with the actual subject concerned (in this case a child).

This is a matter of regarding the matter in relative rather than absolute terms. There is still something 'concerning' about the wish to explore such avenues.

However I do feel that representation of the 'full' spectrum of the issue should be encouraged if virtual proxies should be so. One thing that I somehow doubt is adequately conveyed by such proxies are important behavioral cues like confusion, reluctance, resistance, refusal, crying, 'not having a good time', etc.

If a person 'does' wish to explore such then let the experience be quite comprehensive. It is my expectation that this will greatly reduce the 'temptation' to explore this further. And consequences can be taken further. After the simulated act, simulate the 'child' growing up with snapshots. Accusing eyes. Unable to fit in. An unhappy continuance. Any of a variety of sad endings (not necessarily suicide).

Thirdly - I feel that there ought to be a far greater emphasis upon understanding 'what' triggers pedophilic inclinations. Even if such is somehow 'natural' (and perhaps I am being narrow-minded in saying that I don't see how - on the basis that a child is 'not' mature enough to engage in such activities) such understanding might provide a more solid basis for nipping potential issues in the bud. And I do realize that I've understated the complexity of this issue here.

Fourthly - I personally feel that pedophilia is a symptom of an unhealthy, non-open and repressive relationship between us humans, our own bodies and our own sexuality - which is very naturally spurned on by the hormones within our biologies.

It is my perhaps mistaken view that sexual deviations that target the vulnerable - the young, the elderly, animals, the disabled, (heck) even the dead - might have been seeded by some human's bodies and minds trying to rationalize a way out of the cage imposed by Society - with often very unfortunate results. I personally also think that this applies to 'some' rapists.

Well... I've said my peace for the moment. Thank you again for sparking a debate.

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