in #sex7 years ago

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I will give you six reason why many relationship fail today and the are as follows:

  1. Lack of Communication

Lack of communication is a very serious virus that has made many relationship to fail, when there is no good communication in a relationship, it brings about negative and suspicious characteristic between partners because you can’t tell what your partner is thinking or you to. As partner it is very important to pay uninterrupted attention to our partner so as to avoid conflict, some partner tend to pay more attention to their mobile phone, tv, and social media when communicating with their partner and this can cause serious conflict.

Solution to avoid communication conflict
a. Pay more attention to your partner when communicating instead of checking your Facebook activities , watching movies and tracking sport highlight
b. Try not to interrupt your partner when he or she is passing a message to you, just wait until he or she has finished before you say what you have to say.
c. Even if your partner said word that angered your try and control you’re feeling to avoid further problem of any kind.

  1. Sex
    Relationship need Sex to harmonize the body and soul together and when that is messing in a relationship some partner tend to get it elsewhere which one of the reason for some broken homes today.
    Solution to Sex Problem in a Relationship
    a. Both of you should agree on a calendar records for sex in other for both of your mind fully prepared and to avoid excuses
    b. Try and understand your partner by learner what turn you both on and implement them during Sex.
    c. If your sexual mismatch can’t be resolve on your won, it is advisable to get a quality sex therapist to help you both

  2. Money
    Money problem is another reason why relationship fail today, we are meant to understand that the man is the head of the home and should provide all financial needs of the family but when the money is not fought coming there is tendency for crisis between both partners.

Solution to money problem
a. Be honest about your current financial situation
b. Don’t hide income or debt. Bring financial documents, including a recent credit report, pay stubs, bank statement, insurance policies, debt and investment to the table
c. Decide which person will be responsible for paying the monthly bills.

  1. Not making your relationship priority
    As partner the moment you have decide to say I do from that moment henceforth your relationship should be the highest priority among other relationship such as family and friends relationships. Always try and give your best to build your relationship and make it work for each other because not making it your priority generate a very negative energy which can break a home.

Solutions to resolve this problem
a. Always show, love and care for one another
b. Plan date night together
c. Do those thing you use to do when your first started dating one another

  1. Conflict
    In a relationship conflict and misunderstanding partner can’t run away from them because this makes us stronger, wiser and understanding of one another as partner but the way we handle them can make us or break us.

Solution to conflict problem
a. Realize you are not a victim. It is your choice whether you react and how you react
b. When you are at argument with your partner make sure your comment are not blaming and hurtful, its best to take a deep breath and change your strategy
c. Apologies when you’re wrong. Just take away your pride and apologies and you will see it won’t take always anything from your life

  1. Trust
    Trusting one another is a key to a happy home but if a relationship lack trust there is doom and calamity at the end of tunnel.

Solution to trust problem
a. be on time when he or she need you
b. be consistence in all your endeavor
c. don’t lie
d. be a good listener
e. don’t get jealous
f. don’t dig up old wounds
g. never say things you can’t take back
h. call to say you will be home late
i. call when you say you will

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