"Am I only good for sex?!"

in #sex7 years ago

Excerpt: I believe that most of you will be empathetic with the next case. Quite often the answer to one's confusion lies, so obviously, within their question itself, and I have not much further to explain or elaborate on the subject. For what more can be said to someone who allows life to take control of her instead of making a clear decision? Everything in our life, and I'm not tired of mentioning it, again and again, comes from the level of our self-love.


credit: imelenchon


I feel sad and I want to pour out my heart here.

I don’t generally whine or complain but lately no matter how hard I try to convince myself that I am at peace with my life and that I don’t need anything else, I still feel bad. I am alone and have no one but my family to love and be loved by.

My last relationship ended unexpectedly just when I was about to fall in love. It was a weird connection. We had been together for three weeks when he said that he didn’t feel that he could fall in love with me. Since he was afraid I would develop feelings and would eventually get hurt he had decided to end the relationship. Although I cried I was not devastated and quickly regained my strength.

Now we are something like friends. Whenever we meet everything sounds and feels like before, like we are still a couple. We speak the same way, I behave as I did before and so does he. The only thing that seems different is the commitment. When we end a conversation or a meeting I can’t know when we will talk or see each other again.

I am baffled by it. It is a confusing situation and I wish I could talk to him about it, but although I am an open person and share a lot with others I can’t do it with him because he is very introverted. Whenever I am with him I feel I need to pretend and hide the real me as if then he would make me happy and would drive out my sadness; with him, I act with a lot of self-reliance although I have none. He never gave me the feeling that we are totally honest with each other. Maybe he is not that kind of a person.

I am afraid that if I said something he would interpret it as if I am in love with him (which I am not) and then would clam up for not wanting to hurt me… I simply want to talk about it… to hear what he feels… I don’t mind if he says that everything is just in my head… although I don’t think it is.

Apart from that, I have an unfinished affair with my ex-boyfriend. He was the one who broke up with me but he has recently confessed that he still loves me. But although he knows he wants me he doesn’t want to be with me. He says I am too old now… if I was twenty it would be alright for him … a bit complicated. And to be honest, I don’t want him… it feels different now. I don’t love him anymore… not to the same extent.

Except for those two guys I don’t have any other friends, apart from a close girlfriend.

And too many people recently tell me that they want to be with me for the sex alone. I know that I am clever, good looking and all - everybody says so - and especially how good-hearted I am. I don’t doubt it, but am I only good for sex? What is going on here?

Thank you for listening,



I can only hope that your sharing here eases your loneliness.

Indeed it is not easy when one wants to reach the top of the pyramid, not to compromise on one’s feelings, values and the things that matter; at first, then, the journey might be characterized by solitude and painful loneliness. That aloneness, however, is necessary and is craved by your personality, making it stronger and granting you the priceless power to choose.

And here lies the heart of your problem. You have still not made up your mind about what you really want. You said it yourself – you are confused, and no wonder as you are faced by many possibilities that pull and push you in many directions until you are left alone to be spun around by other people.

Therefore, choose first and be determined. Do you want one loving committed partner with whom to have a true-love relationship? Good. Choose it. Do you want sexual encounters? Then choose that. But you can’t blame your life, which is your creation, for presenting you with the mess and havoc running through your head!

Take note though of two things -

  • First, life does not judge you. There is nothing wrong with being in sexual-only relationships. I know that you regard them as a lesser form of love, but if approached appropriately, your sexuality can take you higher and deeper than ever before.
  • Secondly, release any agenda about your path. You may choose to be with a loving partner but life will summon you someone who will desert you after only three weeks, leaving you with agonizing thoughts about your own worth. Can you trust that even in such circumstances, everything is still well in your life?! There is a majestic plan for you, and once you stick to your original choice - "make your eye single", as one speaker, 2000 years ago proclaimed - everything will fall into its right place.

But, remember, begin with making the choice!

Good luck!


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falling in love with someone it is a gift given by our omnipotent man must live it, that is why it was created in pairs of men and women.@nomad-magus

True, wise words, my friend.
Through the connection of the male and the female (and mind you, no matter what physical body they wear), humans get to connect with their divinity.
Thanks for this comment👍

Sex is the desire which any of humans cant deny doesn't lure him or her, But to apprehend love and sex together is pretty difficult.Few love you for your character,few for your soul, few for your body But all these emotions tend to go to the sexual desire ultimately .Its a fascinating gift to humans, cant give my opinion about the sexual behaviour of any human but since its our right we can do our best to fulfill our desires rightfully

Sex it is natural, and this is result of good relationship between the boy and and girl.
The problem is when everyone looking it for just something fun without emotion, and this is ok for experience but it is can cause dammage to the mind beacuse you can get a bad exprince when it will be real with some one you really love.
So you have to know what you want before the choice between too of this types of sex

Like you said she is confused, or I can say she isn't judgemental, she can't take quick decisions, one should take decisions quickly and should not be afraid of consequences, may be things will went good and I think in 60% cases things always went good.

We people think that sex is the main part of life. But i think that's not true. It's a simple part of life.Try to enjoy whole part of your life.

A person's attitude towards us can sometimes make us wonder why he has been so kind and caring for us all the time? We think that his attention is a sign that he likes us. In fact, attention is not always evidence that someone likes us more than a friend. Could be, he is so to everyone, including the opposite sex. Well, try to open your eyes wide and note: how does he attitude towards other friends?

And it's a god opportunity to train the intuition. Often we have a hunch about someone or a situation but instead of checking we tend to ignore it.

Wow this is intense.. that girl will find the right person someday. (=

Making love to me is amazing. Wait,I meant: making love, to me, is amazing. The absence of two little commas nearly transformed me into a sex god

being just friends is way better than committed, while being friends you enjoy your freedom, in friendship we expect less and get more but while in relation we expect more and get less, that's where difference gets created and ultimately it leads to boredom.... love in relation ends while as love in friendship never... we can say friends with benefits... 😊
and one more thing promises in relation breaks while as promises in friendship never...

I am surprised to hear the woman's words. But I do not know why, I can find a lot of matches with me.
You just said that there is nothing bad in the relationship between sex. But yes, I would say that it is from the mind. There is no physical relationship to meet the needs of the body. Girls just have no body ties, there are women's minds. So women's minds first learn to love, then they should love their body.

If the girls are low in age, they are attracted to them and do not get attracted to them when the age increases. What kind of trial?
Thank you very much for solving the woman's problem, giving her some nice advice.

I always say that it's very easy to find a match. It's something else to be with the right match.
Sex is a powerful mechanism for feeding. We use it to feed off of others, to draw energy, and if it's not balanced, instead of exaltation, sex would only deteriorate our situation. (physical/mental).
See porn actors for example.

Thanks for your comment 🙏

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