Why are Pastors Father prohibited from marrying? and does it not violate human rights?

in #sex6 years ago

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The practice of prohibiting Priests from marrying is a practice that was invented by the Roman Catholic Church. Its one of the cases where the principles mentioned in scripture us taken too far my man just like the Pharisees imposed commandments of men on the Israelites ignoring the true intent of God's law. 

Let's follow the background of scripture from the Old Testament. From studying scripture it becomes clear that the prophets and the faithful men of old had wives. Abraham(who God promised to make of him a great nation) obviously had a wife and he had a children, Issac and Jacob, Abraham's son and grandson also had wives and children.

When Israel(Jacob) became a nation, under the Old Covenant the Levetical priesthood was set up. When Moses led the people out of Israel to the promise land, the priest was Aaron. Aaron had four sons, two of them were killed when they offered profane fire to the Lord. 

img source: pixabay.com

What do we see from here? The High Priest Aaron had children also, it means he had a wife.  Moses himself who was the prophet leading them had a wife too.

Fast forward to the New Testament, the Apostle Paul addresses this issue of being married and unmarried in 1 Corinthians 7. In verse 8 Paul says, " 8. So I say to those who aren’t married and to widows—it’s better to stay unmarried, just as I am. 9. But if they can’t control themselves, they should go ahead and marry. It’s better to marry than to burn with lust "

This means that the option to marry should rest entirely on the shoulder of the believer. You might think the above scripture doesn't apply to Pastors, you'll see that it does in a moment. 

Let's examine what the Apostle Paul's instruction was to those that would be appointed as deacons or bishops. In 1 Timothy 3 vs 2 Paul writes  2. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach 

Why would Paul ask that a bishop should have one wife if they not supposed to marry?

img source: pixabay.com

The practice of forcing priests to not marry is not biblical in any way and cannot be backed by scripture. It is perfectly legal for pastors to marry and have children. As humans we would at some point have the desire for sexual intercourse and as a pastor who will meet a large number of people men and women alike - and some really attractive ones at that, lol , if he cannot keep himself as Paul said in 1 Cor 7 he should go ahead and marry. God even said that He made a husband and wife one so "they can have Godly offsprings".

The problems caused by this practice has been evident in recent times with allegations of sexual abuse exploding like never before among Priests. Christians should always endeavor to study the bible themselves and research widely to know the truth because salvation is personal.

You might be nodding and convinced at this point that I'm correct. But what if all I just wrote is false? Don't trust me or my words, go check YOURSELF. Trust the Bible.

Thanks and have a nice day.



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Very good your post. Whether or not it is true what you say (which is obviously true), it is unnatural not to have a partner in your life. Remember that we are also flesh and blood and have instincts that come from our animal part.

As my mother says: Es bueno el cilantro, pero no tanto (Coriander is good, but not so much; in Spanish, rhyme). That means everything in excess damages and the lack too.

Somewhere in the past people changed the scriptures.

Discussing something that was written thousands of years ago, is something like futile. Because there was no paper or pen, were other means which were used to write down "all the facts". And very few had access to them and obviously 99% of the population did not know how to read (I'm kidding in this part)

Imagine at that time, those were dashes, little lines, and dots, not letters as we know them, and they used papyri, not enduring synthetic material. That is, what would happen if a worm eats a little dot or a little line or creates a little line when it circulated on the papyrus. Does not the context change? All these things are possible and perhaps because of them, there are cut parts and chunks and jumps in the scriptures.

Obviously, this does not diminish how great the Bible is. Only that everyone should create their own concept. It is my opinion.

This supposed to be a small comment, hehehe

Btw, I got here via @crypto.piotr

Excellent post. Happy Holidays!

hi @jadams2k18

Discussing something that was written thousands of years ago, is something like futile. Because there was no paper or pen, were other means which were used to write down "all the facts".

That's a very good point my friend. I dont even know if we can believe in all those "written wisdom" was ever real. Sometimes I wonder if Bible wasn't "created" by some powerful people (at the time) to increase their influence and control people even more.


Hello my friend!

Even with all its details, the Bible will always be a safe medium of wisdom. It has a lot of good advices. The problem is the interpretation that the fans give to the scriptures. Each person must use their common sense and avoid being manipulated

Indeed, that's very true. Thanks.

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You bring up a fine point @naijauser. As a former Catholic, I always wondered the same and found it especially odd that priests were doling out marriage counseling advice :)

I found your post because @porters featured you in her Pay it Forward Curation contest entry :)

I think you are right @naijauser in some points...!!!

But the opposite of this is that Pastors Father are married with the church...!!

It doesn´t means they can be marry with someone...

I know the bible show us that in our beliefs we just know that Pastors Father are the instructor how the bible can works...

Bible is a long history but I´m sure Pastors Father don´t know the right answer for this....!!!

Everyone just guess something that people to hear about this topic....

There are many sexual abuse and the church is not the way to resolve this problem...

Actually they don´t care what is happening in that side...!!!

Arent you like the most supportive person here on Steemit @edgarare1 :)

I see your comments EVERYWHERE. Love it

So why do you think the church started this practice long ago?

I think it started as a form of control so that priests' loyalties weren't ever divided between the Church and their wives. I think :)

Aaaah, that would make sense. However, research shows that couples who work together are happier and have greater job satisfaction, but the Church probably didn't know that back then.

Indeed. Couples serving is a more balanced mix than individuals. Because the needs of the Church is diverse and entails that of men, women, children and even widows.

A pastor with a wife will have a good advisor as regards things that concern women, caring for children and the likes. This perspective is one that the man can't have all alone.

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Yep, I don't think they would have even thought of that back then :)

It's hard to say. I don't have the details on how exactly it started. Some research into it will definitely help.

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The origins of traditions are always fascinating to me. :-D

Thanks for your post. I'm afraid this stuff ain't for me, as I'm a non-believer.

I've supported your post anyway, since @porters featured you in her entry for the Pay It Forward Contest

Thanks, I appreciate it.

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Hi @trincowski

Are you Polish? I learned that most polish have names finishing with "ski" :)


I agree that priest should not be forced to be celibate. The Bible is clear that if they can remain pure, then it's a good and spiritual thing (at least in St. Paul's opinion) - but most cannot - and trying to force it does nothing good. I was reading about abuse issues even in Tibetan monasteries, where, again, they are to remain celibate. It simply doesn't work. We keep trying to elevate ourselves above our animal nature by denying our animal side. It doesn't work.

I found you thanks to @porters' entry into the Pay it Forward Curation contest this week. Keep up the great work!

Thank you. I appreciate your comment.

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Interesting choice of topic @naijauser

I used to wonder who they cannot have kids and I found it strange. They teach about raising families but most priests are chosing easy life for themselfs (yes, I really mean it. most of the time their life is very easy. at least here in europe).

Thx for good read buddy :)


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