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RE: Call For a Ban On Child Sex Robots

in #sex7 years ago

This all about desensitising a certain behavior. Violent video games and horror movie with blood and gore desensitising the person who would otherwise be revolted. This makes training a soldier easier when they are already exposed it to it some way or form. In my view robotic therapy in this case is no different.


And no one who claims this has ever cited a successful peer reviewed study proving it. This is nothing more than a superstition until someone can prove that what people watch has any influence over what people do.

People watch porn and play violent video games yet are less violent than ever before. Rape also is not common and no one has been able to link porn to rape. Soldiers get trained to kill but the video games don't actually make it easier to kill. It's the drones that actually have an impact perhaps but do you really think soldiers are the only people who play Counterstrike?

I just find it odd that people believe something like this without any proof and then want to set policies based on a belief.

An actual study found this result:

Study finds no link between long-term playing of violent video games and changes in empathetic neural responses

So when we go the scientific route we find no link between long term playing of violent video games and changes in empathic responses. In other words, playing violent video games will not turn people into psychopaths no matter how many years they play.



I just don't know what to believe in the world these days except my own feelings. Even though there are peer reviews conducted, these can also be biased. For example, drug studies and reviews are being sponsored by drug companies thus giving a drug a glowing review etc... the world is just too corrupted to take things at face value. We just never know the full story until after the fact.

That might be true in the case of some studies, but it doesn't change that your feelings have absolutely NO basis in science and are logically a worse way to base your legislation than studies that MIGHT be corrupt but should be confirmed or denied by peer review and repeated studies.

"I just don't know what to believe in the world these days except my own feelings. "

See, that's your problem. Feelings are literally the opposite of logic, and logic is categorically a superior means of decision making.

Every decision you make with your feelings that is any more complex than "What Ice Cream do I want" is by definition fallacious.

So you believe a peer reviewed well designed study (randomized controlled trial etc) is somehow more bias than your own feelings? I guess I can respect your feelings on this but feelings don't always lead to the truth in my opinion.

"In my view robotic therapy in this case is no different."

So, I guess that means you are against banning the child sex-bots, because all evidence proves this claim of yours to be 100% false and based on your feels:

"Violent video games and horror movie with blood and gore desensitising the person who would otherwise be revolted."

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